
The prophet who invited the Israelites, Christians and polytheists to the religion of Prophet Abraham: Prophet Muhammad. The Qur'an, the book confirming and confirming the Torah and the Gospel before it.

The truth we were not told: The whole video consists of only verses of the Qur'an, with the verse name and number written on each line. It does not contain any opinions, explanations or comments. Arranged in order of historical experience.
Prayer and Fasting related verses
Surah Name Verses number and verse
The Cow125. And We made the House a focal point for the people, and a sanctuary. Use the shrine of Abraham as a place of prayer. And We commissioned Abraham and Ishmael, “Sanctify My House for those who circle around it, and those who seclude themselves in it, and those who kneel and prostrate.”
The Cow238. Guard your prayers, and the middle prayer, and stand before God in devotion.
The Cow239. But if you are in fear, then on foot, or riding. And when you are safe, remember God, as He taught you what you did not know.
26. We showed Abraham the location of the House: “Do not associate anything with Me; and purify My House for those who circle around, and those who stand to pray, and those who kneel and prostrate.”
The Pilgrimage77. O you who believe! Kneel, and prostrate, and worship your Lord, and do good deeds, so that you may succeed.
The Women43. O you who believe! Do not approach the prayer while you are drunk, so that you know what you say; nor after sexual orgasm—unless you are travelling—until you have bathed. If you are sick, or traveling, or one of you comes from the toilet, or you have had intercourse with women, and cannot find water, find clean sand and wipe your faces and your hands with it. God is Pardoning and Forgiving.
The Women
The Women102. When you are among them, and you stand to lead them in prayer, let a group of them stand with you, and let them hold their weapons. Then, when they have done their prostrations, let them withdraw to the rear, and let another group, that have not prayed yet, come forward and pray with you; and let them take their precautions and their weapons. Those who disbelieve would like you to neglect your weapons and your equipment, so they can attack you in a single assault. You commit no error, if you are hampered by rain or are sick, by putting down your weapons; but take precautions. Indeed, God has prepared for the disbelievers a demeaning punishment.
The Women103. When you have completed the prayer, remember God, standing, or sitting, or on your sides. And when you feel secure, perform the prayer. The prayer is obligatory for believers at specific times.
The Women
The Women142. The hypocrites try to deceive God, but He is deceiving them. And when they stand for prayer, they stand lazily, showing off in front of people, and remembering God only a little.
The Food6. O you who believe! When you rise to pray, wash your faces and your hands and arms to the elbows, and wipe your heads, and your feet to the ankles. If you had intercourse, then purify yourselves. If you are ill, or travelling, or one of you returns from the toilet, or you had contact with women, and could not find water, then use some clean sand and wipe your faces and hands with it. God does not intend to burden you, but He intends to purify you, and to complete His blessing upon you, that you may be thankful.
The Elevated Places31. O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive.
Voluntary Gifts2. The believers are those whose hearts tremble when God is mentioned, and when His revelations are recited to them, they strengthen them in faith, and upon their Lord they rely.
Voluntary Gifts3. Those who perform the prayer; and from Our provisions to them, they spend.
Voluntary Gifts4. These are the true believers. They have high standing with their Lord, and forgiveness, and a generous provision.
The Immunity17. It is not for the polytheists to attend God’s places of worship while professing their disbelief. These—their works are in vain, and in the Fire they will abide.
The Immunity18. The only people to attend God’s places of worship are those who believe in God and the Last Day, and pray regularly, and practice regular charity, and fear none but God. These are most likely to be guided.
Hud114. Perform the prayer at the borders of the day, and during the approaches of the night. The good deeds take away the bad deeds. This is a reminder for those who remember.
Hud115. And be patient. God will not waste the reward of the virtuous.
The Thunder14. To Him belongs the call to truth. Those they call upon besides Him do not respond to them with anything—except as someone who stretches his hands towards water, so that it may reach his mouth, but it does not reach it. The prayers of the unbelievers are only in vain.
The Thunder15. To God prostrates everyone in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, as do their shadows, in the morning and in the evening.
The Thunder
The Thunder18. For those who respond to their Lord is the best. But as for those who do not respond to Him, even if they possessed everything on earth, and twice as much, they could not redeem themselves with it. Those will have the worst reckoning; and their home is Hell—a miserable destination.
The Thunder19. Is he who knows that what was revealed to you from your Lord is the truth, like him who is blind? Only those who reason will remember.
The Thunder20. Those who fulfill the promise to God, and do not violate the agreement.
The Thunder21. And those who join what God has commanded to be joined, and fear their Lord, and dread the dire reckoning. 
The Thunder22. And those who patiently seek the presence of their Lord, and pray regularly, and spend from Our provisions to them, secretly and openly, and repel evil with good. These will have the Ultimate Home.
The Thunder23. Everlasting Gardens, which they will enter, along with the righteous among their parents, and their spouses, and their descendants. And the angels will enter upon them from every gate.
The Thunder24. “Peace be upon you, because you endured patiently. How excellent is the Final Home.”
Abraham31. Tell My servants who have believed to perform the prayers, and to give from what We have given them, secretly and publicly, before a Day comes in which there is neither trading nor friendship.
Abraham40. “My Lord, make me one who performs the prayer, and from my offspring. Our Lord, accept my supplication.”
The Rock98. So glorify the praise of your Lord, and be among those who bow down.
The Bee49. To God bows down everything in the heavens and everything on earth—every living creature, and the angels, and without being proud.
The Believers1. Successful are the believers.
The Believers2. Those who are humble in their prayers.
The Believers3. Those who avoid nonsense.
The Believers4. Those who work for charity.
The Believers5. Those who safeguard their chastity.
The Believers6. Except from their spouses, or their dependents—for they are free from blame.
The Believers7. But whoever seeks anything beyond that—these are the transgressors.
The Believers8. Those who are faithful to their trusts and pledges.
The Believers9. Those who safeguard their prayers.
The Believers10. These are the inheritors.
The Believers11. Who will inherit Paradise, wherein they will dwell forever.
The Spider45. Recite what is revealed to you of the Scripture, and perform the prayer. The prayer prevents indecencies and evils. And the remembrance of God is greater. And God knows what you do.
The Romans17. So glorify God when you retire at night, and when you rise in the morning.
The Romans18. His is the praise in the heavens and on earth, and in the evening, and when you reach midday.
Luqman4. Those who observe the prayer, and pay the obligatory charity, and are certain of the Hereafter.
Luqman5. These are upon guidance from their Lord. These are the successful.
The Allies41. O you who believe, remember God with frequent remembrance.
The Allies42. And glorify Him morning and evening.
The Originator29. Those who recite the Book of God, and perform the prayer, and spend of what We have provided for them, secretly and publicly, expect a trade that will not fail.
The Originator30. He will pay them their dues in full, and will increase them from His bounty. He is Forgiving and Appreciative.
The Mount49. And glorify Him during the night, and at the receding of the stars.
The Congregation9. O you who believe! When the call is made for prayer on Congregation Day, hasten to the remembrance of God, and drop all business. That is better for you, if you only knew.
The Congregation10. Then, when the prayer is concluded, disperse through the land, and seek God’s bounty, and remember God much, so that you may prosper.
The Congregation11. Yet whenever they come across some business, or some entertainment, they scramble towards it, and leave you standing. Say, “What is with God is better than entertainment and business; and God is the Best of providers.”
The Ways of Ascent5. So be patient, with sweet patience.
The Ways of Ascent6. They see it distant.
The Ways of Ascent7. But We see it near.
The Ways of Ascent8. On the Day when the sky will be like molten brass.
The Ways of Ascent9. And the mountains will be like tufted wool.
The Ways of Ascent10. No friend will care about his friend.
The Ways of Ascent11. They will be shown each other. The criminal wishes he would be redeemed from the punishment of that Day by his children.
The Ways of Ascent12. And his spouse, and his brother.
The Ways of Ascent13. And his family that sheltered him.
The Ways of Ascent14. And everyone on earth, in order to save him.
The Ways of Ascent15. By no means! It is a Raging Fire.
The Ways of Ascent16. It strips away the scalps.
The Ways of Ascent17. It invites him who once turned his back and fled.
The Ways of Ascent18. And accumulated and hoarded.
The Ways of Ascent19. Man was created restless.
The Ways of Ascent20. Touched by adversity, he is fretful.
The Ways of Ascent21. Touched by good, he is ungenerous.
The Ways of Ascent22. Except the prayerful.
The Ways of Ascent23. Those who are constant at their prayers.
The Ways of Ascent24. And those in whose wealth is a rightful share.
The Ways of Ascent25. For the beggar and the deprived.
The Ways of Ascent26. And those who affirm the Day of Judgment.
The Ways of Ascent27. And those who fear the punishment of their Lord.
The Ways of Ascent28. Their Lord’s punishment is not to be taken for granted.
The Ways of Ascent29. And those who guard their chastity.
The Ways of Ascent30. Except from their spouses or those living under their control, for then they are free of blame.
The Ways of Ascent31. But whoever seeks to go beyond that—these are the transgressors.
The Ways of Ascent32. And those who honor their trusts and their pledges.
The Ways of Ascent33. And those who stand by their testimonies.
The Ways of Ascent34. And those who are dedicated to their prayers.
The Ways of Ascent35. These will be honored in Gardens.
The Ways of Ascent36. What is with those who disbelieve, stretching their necks towards you.
The Ways of Ascent37. From the right, and from the left, banding together?
The Ways of Ascent38. Is every one of them aspiring to be admitted into a Garden of Bliss?
The Ways of Ascent39. No indeed! We created them from what they know.
The Ways of Ascent40. I swear by the Lord of the Easts and the Wests, that We are Able.
The Ways of Ascent41. To replace them with better than they, and We are not to be outdone.
The Ways of Ascent42. So leave them to blunder and play, until they meet their Day which they are promised.
The Ways of Ascent43. The Day when they will emerge from the tombs in a rush, as though they were hurrying towards a target.
The Ways of Ascent44. Their eyes cast down; overwhelmed by humiliation. This is the Day which they were promised.
The Enwrapped2. Stay up the night, except a little.
The Enwrapped3. For half of it, or reduce it a little.
The Enwrapped4. Or add to it; and chant the Quran rhythmically.
The Enwrapped5. We are about to give you a heavy message.
The Enwrapped6. The vigil of night is more effective, and better suited for recitation.
The Enwrapped
The Enwrapped20. Your Lord knows that you stay up nearly two-thirds of the night, or half of it, or one-third of it, along with a group of those with you. God designed the night and the day. He knows that you are unable to sustain it, so He has pardoned you. So read of the Quran what is possible for you. He knows that some of you may be ill; and others travelling through the land, seeking God’s bounty; and others fighting in God’s cause. So read of it what is possible for you, and observe the prayers, and give regular charity, and lend God a generous loan. Whatever good you advance for yourselves, you will find it with God, better and generously rewarded. And seek God’s forgiveness, for God is Forgiving and Merciful.
The Man23. It is We who sent down the Quran upon you—a gradual revelation.
The Man24. So be patient for the decision of your Lord, and do not obey the sinner or the blasphemer among them.
The Man25. And mention the Name of your Lord, morning and evening.
The Man26. And for part of the night, prostrate yourself to Him, and glorify Him long into the night.
Acts of Kindness1. Have you considered him who denies the religion?
Acts of Kindness2. It is he who mistreats the orphan.
Acts of Kindness3. And does not encourage the feeding of the poor.
Acts of Kindness4. So woe to those who pray.
Acts of Kindness5. Those who are heedless of their prayers.
Acts of Kindness6. Those who put on the appearance.
Acts of Kindness7. And withhold the assistance.
The Abundance of Good1. We have given you plenty.
The Abundance of Good2. So pray to your Lord and sacrifice.
The Abundance of Good3. He who hates you is the loser.
The Night Journey78. Perform the prayer at the decline of the sun, until the darkness of the night; and the Quran at dawn. The Quran at dawn is witnessed.
The Night Journey79. And keep vigil with it during parts of the night, as an extra prayer. Perhaps your Lord will raise you to a laudable position.
The Night Journey80. And say, “My Lord, lead me in through an entry of truth, and lead me out through an exit of truth, and grant me from You a supporting power.”
The Cow183. O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become righteous.
The Cow184. For a specified number of days. But whoever among you is sick, or on a journey, then a number of other days. For those who are able: a ransom of feeding a needy person. But whoever volunteers goodness, it is better for him. But to fast is best for you, if you only knew.
The Cow185. Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was revealed. Guidance for humanity, and clear portents of guidance, and the Criterion. Whoever of you witnesses the month, shall fast it. But whoever is sick, or on a journey, then a number of other days. God desires ease for you, and does not desire hardship for you, that you may complete the number, and celebrate God for having guided you, so that you may be thankful.
The Cow186. And when My servants ask you about Me, I Am near; I answer the call of the caller when he calls on Me. So let them answer Me, and have faith in Me, that they may be rightly guided.
The Cow187. Permitted for you is intercourse with your wives on the night of the fast. They are a garment for you, and you are a garment for them. God knows that you used to betray yourselves, but He turned to you and pardoned you. So approach them now, and seek what God has ordained for you, and eat and drink until the white streak of dawn can be distinguished from the black streak. Then complete the fast until nightfall. But do not approach them while you are in retreat at the mosques. These are the limits of God, so do not come near them. God thus clarifies His revelations to the people, that they may attain piety.
The Cow188. And do not consume one another’s wealth by unjust means, nor offer it as bribes to the officials in order to consume part of other people’s wealth illicitly, while you know.
The Cow189. They ask you about the crescents. Say, “They are timetables for people, and for the Hajj.” It is not virtuous that you approach homes from their backs, but virtue is to be pious. So approach homes from their doors, and observe God, that you may succeed.