
The prophet who invited the Israelites, Christians and polytheists to the religion of Prophet Abraham: Prophet Muhammad. The Qur'an, the book confirming and confirming the Torah and the Gospel before it.

The truth we were not told: The whole video consists of only verses of the Qur'an, with the verse name and number written on each line. It does not contain any opinions, explanations or comments. Arranged in order of historical experience.
The Resurrection verses
Surah Name Verses number and verse
The Cattle57. Say, “I stand on clear evidence from my Lord, and you have rejected Him. I do not possess what you seek me to hasten; the decision belongs solely to God. He states the truth, and He is the Best of Judges.”
The Cattle58. Say, “If I possessed what you seek me to hasten, the matter between you and me would have been settled. God is well aware of the unjust.”
The Cattle59. With Him are the keys of the unseen; none knows them except He. And He knows everything on land and in the sea. Not a leaf falls but He knows it; and there is not a single grain in the darkness of earth, nor is there anything wet or dry, but is in a clear record.
The Cattle60. It is He Who takes you by night, and He knows what you earn by day. Then He raises you up in it, until a fixed term is fulfilled. Then to Him is your return, then He will inform you of what you used to do.
The Cattle61. He is the Conqueror over His servants, and He sends guardians over you, until, when death overtakes one of you, Our envoys take him away, and they never fail.
The Cattle62. Then they are brought back to God, their True Master. Unquestionably, His is the judgment, and He is the Swiftest of reckoners.
The Cattle
The Cattle128. On the Day when He gathers them all together: “O assembly of jinn, you have exploited multitudes of humans.” Their adherents among mankind will say, “Our Lord, we have profited from one another, but we have reached the term that you have assigned for us.” He will say, “The Fire is your dwelling, wherein you will remain, except as God wills. Your Lord is Wise and Informed.
The Elevated Places187. They ask you about the Hour, “When will it come?” Say, “Knowledge of it rests with my Lord. None can reveal its coming except He. It weighs heavily on the heavens and the earth. It will not come upon you except suddenly.” They ask you as if you are responsible for it. Say, “Knowledge of it rests with God,” but most people do not know.
The Elevated Places188. Say, “I have no control over any benefit or harm to myself, except as God wills. Had I known the future, I would have acquired much good, and no harm would have touched me. I am only a warner, and a herald of good news to a people who believe.”
Jonah48. And they say, “When will this promise be fulfilled, if you are truthful?”
Jonah49. Say, “I have no power to harm or benefit myself, except as God wills. To every nation is an appointed time. Then, when their time arrives, they can neither postpone it by one hour, nor advance it.
Jonah50. Say, “Have you considered? If His punishment overtakes you by night or by day, what part of it will the guilty seek to hasten?”
Jonah51. “Then, when it falls, will you believe in it? Now? When before you tried to hasten it?”
Jonah52. Then it will be said to those who did wrong, “Taste the torment of eternity. Will you be rewarded except for what you used to do?”
Jonah53. And they inquire of you, “Is it true?” Say, “Yes, by my Lord, it is true, and you cannot evade it.”
Jonah54. Had every soul which had done wrong possessed everything on earth, it would offer it as a ransom. They will hide the remorse when they witness the suffering, and it will be judged between them equitably, and they will not be wronged.
Jonah57. O people! There has come to you advice from your Lord, and healing for what is in the hearts, and guidance and mercy for the believers.
Jonah58. Say, “In God’s grace and mercy let them rejoice. That is better than what they hoard.”
Jonah59. Say, “Have you considered the sustenance God has sent down for you, some of which you made unlawful, and some lawful?” Say, “Did God give you permission, or do you fabricate lies and attribute them to God?”
Jonah60. What will they think—those who fabricate lies and attribute them to God—on the Day of Resurrection? God is bountiful towards the people, but most of them do not give thanks.
Jonah61. You do not get into any situation, nor do you recite any Quran, nor do you do anything, but We are watching over you as you undertake it. Not even the weight of an atom, on earth or in the sky, escapes your Lord, nor is there anything smaller or larger, but is in a clear record.
Jonah62. Unquestionably, God’s friends have nothing to fear, nor shall they grieve.
Jonah63. Those who believe and are aware.
Jonah64. For them is good news in this life, and in the Hereafter. There is no alteration to the words of God. That is the supreme triumph.
Jonah65. And let not their sayings dishearten you. All power is God’s. He is the Hearer, the Knower.
Jonah66. Certainly, to God belongs everyone in the heavens and everyone on earth. Those who invoke other than God do not follow partners; they follow only assumptions, and they only guess.
Jonah67. It is He who made the night for your rest, and the daylight for visibility. Surely in that are signs for people who listen.
Hud103. In that is a sign for whoever fears the punishment of the Hereafter. That is a Day for which humanity will be gathered together—that is a Day to be witnessed.
Hud104. We only postpone it until a predetermined time.
Hud105. On the Day when it arrives, no soul will speak without His permission. Some will be miserable, and some will be happy.
Hud106. As for those who are miserable, they will be in the Fire. They will have therein sighing and wailing.
Hud107. Remaining therein for as long as the heavens and the earth endure, except as your Lord wills. Your Lord is Doer of whatever He wills.
Hud108. And as for those who are happy, they will be in Paradise, remaining therein for as long as the heavens and the earth endure, except as your Lord wills—a reward without end.
Hud109. So be not in doubt regarding what these people worship. They worship only as their ancestors worshiped before. We will pay them their due in full, without any reduction.
Abraham42. Do not ever think that God is unaware of what the wrongdoers do. He only defers them until a Day when the sights stare.
Abraham43. Their necks outstretched, their heads upraised, their gaze unblinking, their hearts void.
Abraham44. And warn mankind of the Day when the punishment will come upon them, and the wicked will say, “Our Lord, defer us for a little while, and we will answer Your call and follow the messengers.” Did you not swear before that there will be no passing away for you?
Abraham45. And you inhabited the homes of those who wronged themselves, and it became clear to you how We dealt with them, and We cited for you the examples.
Abraham46. They planned their plans, but their plans are known to God, even if their plans can eliminate mountains.
Abraham47. Do not ever think that God will break His promise to His messengers. God is Strong, Able to Avenge.
The Night Journey13. For every person We have attached his fate to his neck. And on the Day of Resurrection, We will bring out for him a book which he will find spread open.
The Night Journey14. “Read your book; today there will be none but yourself to call you to account.”
The Night Journey15. Whoever is guided—is guided for his own good. And whoever goes astray—goes astray to his detriment. No burdened soul carries the burdens of another, nor do We ever punish until We have sent a messenger.
The Night Journey16. When We decide to destroy a town, We command its affluent ones, they transgress in it, so the word becomes justified against it, and We destroy it completely.
The Cave47. On the Day when We set the mountains in motion; and you see the earth emerging; and We gather them together, and leave none of them behind.
The Cave48. They will be presented before your Lord in a row. “You have come to Us as We created you the first time. Although you claimed We would not set a meeting for you.”
The Cave49. And the book will be placed, and you will see the sinners fearful of its contents. And they will say, “Woe to us! What is with this book that leaves nothing, small or big, but it has enumerated it?” They will find everything they had done present. Your Lord does not wrong anyone.
The Pilgrimage1. O people, be conscious of your Lord. The quaking of the Hour is a tremendous thing.
The Pilgrimage2. On the Day when you will see it: every nursing mother will discard her infant, and every pregnant woman will abort her load, and you will see the people drunk, even though they are not drunk—but the punishment of God is severe.
The Pilgrimage3. Among the people is he who argues about God without knowledge, and follows every defiant devil.
The Pilgrimage4. It was decreed for him, that whoever follows him—he will misguide him, and lead him to the torment of the Blaze.
The Pilgrimage5. O people! If you are in doubt about the Resurrection—We created you from dust, then from a small drop, then from a clinging clot, then from a lump of flesh, partly developed and partly undeveloped. In order to clarify things for you. And We settle in the wombs whatever We will for a designated term, and then We bring you out as infants, until you reach your full strength. And some of you will pass away, and some of you will be returned to the vilest age, so that he may not know, after having known. And you see the earth still; but when We send down water on it, it vibrates, and swells, and grows all kinds of lovely pairs.
The Pilgrimage6. That is because God is the truth, and because He gives life to the dead, and because He is Capable of everything.
The Pilgrimage7. And because the Hour is coming—there is no doubt about it—and because God will resurrect those in the graves.
The Believers99. Until, when death comes to one of them, he says, “My Lord, send me back.
The Believers100. That I may do right in what I have neglected.” By no means! It is just a word that he utters. And behind them is a barrier, until the Day they are resurrected.
The Believers101. When the Horn is blown, no relations between them will exist on that Day, and they will not ask after one another.
The Believers102. Those whose scales are heavy—those are the successful.
The Believers103. But those whose scales are light—those are they who have lost their souls; in Hell they will dwell forever.
The Believers104. The Fire lashes their faces, and therein they grimace.
The Believers105. “Were not My revelations recited to you, and you kept on rejecting them?”
The Believers106. They will say, “Our Lord, our wretchedness prevailed over us, and we were a people astray.
The Believers107. Our Lord! Bring us out of this. If we ever returned, we would truly be evil.”
The Believers108. He will say, “Be despised therein, and do not speak to Me.
The Believers109. There was a group of My servants who would say, `Our Lord, we have believed, so forgive us, and have mercy on us; You are the Best of the merciful.'
The Believers110. But you made them a target of ridicule, until they made you forget My remembrance; and you used to laugh at them.
The Believers111. Today, I have rewarded them for their endurance. They are the ones who are the triumphant.”
The Believers112. He will say, “How many years did you remain on earth?”
The Believers113. They will say, “We remained a day, or part of a day; but ask those who keep count.”
The Believers114. He will say, “You remained only for a little while, if you only knew.
The Believers115. Did you think that We created you in vain, and that to Us you will not be returned?”
The Believers116. So Exalted is God, the Ruler, the Real. There is no god except He, the Lord of the Noble Throne.
The Believers117. Whoever invokes another god besides God—he has no proof thereof—his reckoning rests with his Lord. The disbelievers will not succeed.
The Believers118. And say, “My Lord, forgive and have mercy, for You are the Best of the merciful.”
The Discrimination11. In fact, they have denied the Hour, and We have prepared for those who deny the Hour a Blaze.
The Discrimination12. When it sees them from a distant place, they will hear it raging and roaring.
The Discrimination13. And when they are thrown into it, into a tight place, shackled, they will plead there for death.
The Discrimination14. “Do not plead for one death today, but plead for a great many deaths.”
The Discrimination15. Say, “Is this better, or the Garden of Eternity promised to the righteous? It is for them a reward and a destination.
The Discrimination16. They will have therein whatever they desire, forever. That is upon your Lord a binding promise.
The Discrimination17. On the Day when He gathers them, and what they worshiped besides God, He will say, “Was it you who misled these servants of Mine, or was it they who lost the way?”
The Discrimination18. They will say, “Glory be to You. It was not for us to take any lords besides You. But you gave them enjoyments, and their ancestors, until they forgot the Message, and became ruined people.”
The Discrimination19. They have denied you because of what you say; so you can neither avert, nor help. Whoever among you commits injustice, We will make him taste a grievous punishment.
The Discrimination20. We never sent any messengers before you, but they ate food and walked in the marketplaces. And We made some of you tempters for one another—will you be patient? Your Lord is always Observing.
The Discrimination21. Those who do not expect to meet Us say, “If only the angels were sent down to us, or we could see our Lord.” They have grown arrogant within themselves, and have become excessively defiant.
The Discrimination22. On the Day when they see the angels—there will be no good news for sinners on that Day; and they will say, “A protective refuge.”
The Discrimination23. We will proceed to the works they did, and will turn them into scattered dust.
The Discrimination24. The companions of Paradise on that Day will be better lodged, and more fairly accommodated.
The Discrimination25. The Day when the sky is cleft with clouds, and the angels are sent down in streams.
The Discrimination26. On that Day, true sovereignty will belong to the Merciful, and it will be a difficult Day for the disbelievers.
The Discrimination27. On that Day, the wrongdoer will bite his hands, and say, “If only I had followed the way with the Messenger.
The Discrimination28. Oh, woe to me; I wish I never took so-and-so for a friend.
The Discrimination29. He led me away from the Message after it had come to me; for Satan has always been a betrayer of man.”
The Discrimination30. And the Messenger will say, “My Lord, my people have abandoned this Quran.”
The Discrimination31. Likewise, to every prophet We assign enemies from among the wicked. But your Lord suffices as a Guide and Savior.
The Discrimination32. Those who disbelieve say, “Why was the Quran not revealed to him at once?” Thus in order to strengthen your heart thereby, and We revealed it in stages.
The Discrimination33. Whatever argument they come to you with, We provide you with the truth, and a better exposition.
The Discrimination34. Those who are herded into Hell on their faces—those are in a worse position, and further astray from the way.
The Ant82. And when the Word has fallen on them, We will bring out for them from the earth a creature which will say to them that the people are uncertain of Our revelations.
The Ant83. On the Day when We gather from every community a group of those who rejected Our revelations; and they will be restrained.
The Ant84. Until, when they arrive, He will say, “Did you reject My revelations without comprehending them? Or what is it you were doing?”
The Ant85. The Word will come down upon them for their wrongdoing, and they will not speak.
The Ant86. Do they not see that We made the night for them to rest therein, and the day for visibility? Surely in that are signs for people who believe.
The Ant87. On the Day when the Trumpet is blown, everyone in the heavens and the earth will be horrified, except whomever God wills; and everyone will come before Him in humility.
The Ant88. And you see the mountains, and imagine them fixed, yet they pass, as the passing of the clouds—the making of God, who has perfected everything. He is fully Informed of what you do.
The Ant89. Whoever brings a virtue will receive better than it—and they will be safe from the horrors of that Day.
The Ant90. But whoever brings evil—their faces will be tumbled into the Fire. Will you be rewarded except for what you used to do?
The Ant91. “I was commanded to worship the Lord of this town, who has sanctified it, and to Whom everything belongs; and I was commanded to be of those who submit.
The Ant92. And to recite the Quran.” Whoever is guided—is guided to his own advantage. And whoever goes astray, then say, “I am one of the warners.”
The Ant93. And say, “Praise belongs to God; He will show you His signs, and you will recognize them. Your Lord is not heedless of what you do.”
The Romans7. They know an outer aspect of the worldly life, but they are heedless of the Hereafter.
The Romans8. Do they not reflect within themselves? God did not create the heavens and the earth, and what is between them, except with reason, and for a specific duration. But most people, regarding meeting their Lord, are disbelievers.
The Romans9. Have they not travelled the earth and seen how those before them ended up? They were more powerful than them, and they cultivated the land and developed it more than they developed it, and their messengers came to them with clear signs. God would never wrong them, but they used to wrong themselves.
The Romans10. Then, evil was the end of those who committed evil. That is because they rejected God’s revelations, and used to ridicule them.
The Romans11. God originates creation, and then repeats it. Then to Him you will be returned.
The Romans12. On the Day when the Hour takes place, the guilty will despair.
The Romans13. They will have no intercessors from among their idols, and they will disown their partners.
The Romans14. On the Day when the Hour takes place—on that Day they will separate.
The Romans15. As for those who believed and did good deeds—they will be delighted in meadows.
The Romans16. But as for those who disbelieved, and rejected Our signs and the encounter of the Hereafter—those will be hauled into the torment.
Luqman33. O people! Be conscious of your Lord, and dread a Day when no parent can avail his child, nor can a child avail his parent, in anything. The promise of God is true. Therefore, do not let this life deceive you, nor let illusions deceive you regarding God.
Luqman34. With God rests the knowledge of the Hour. He sends down the rain, and He knows what the wombs contain. No soul knows what it will reap tomorrow, and no soul knows in what land it will die. God is All-Knowing, Well-Informed.
The Allies63. The people ask you about the Hour. Say, “The knowledge thereof rests with God. But what do you know? Perhaps the hour is near.”
The Allies64. God has cursed the disbelievers, and has prepared for them a Blaze.
The Allies65. Dwelling therein forever, not finding a protector or a savior.
The Allies66. The Day when their faces are flipped into the Fire, they will say, “If only we had obeyed God and obeyed the Messenger.”
The Allies67. And they will say, “Lord, we have obeyed our superiors and our dignitaries, but they led us away from the way.
The Allies68. Lord, give them double the punishment, and curse them with a great curse.”
The Saba'2. He knows what penetrates into the earth, and what comes out of it, and what descends from the sky, and what ascends to it. He is the Merciful, the Forgiving.
The Saba'3. Those who disbelieve say, “The Hour will not come upon us.” Say, “Yes indeed, by my Lord, it will come upon you. He is the Knower of the unseen.” Not an atom's weight in the heavens and the earth, or anything smaller or larger, escapes His knowledge. All are in a Clear Record.
The Saba'4. That He may recompense those who believe and do good works. Those will have forgiveness, and a generous provision.
The Saba'5. As for those who strive against Our revelations, seeking to undermine them—for them is a punishment of a painful plague.
Ya Sin48. And they say, “When will this promise be, if you are truthful?”
Ya Sin49. All they can expect is a single blast, which will seize them while they feud.
Ya Sin50. They will not be able to make a will, nor will they return to their families.
Ya Sin51. The Trumpet will be blown, then behold, they will rush from the tombs to their Lord.
Ya Sin52. They will say, “Woe to us! Who resurrected us from our resting-place?” This is what the Most Gracious had promised, and the messengers have spoken the truth.”
Ya Sin53. It will be but a single scream; and behold, they will all be brought before Us.
Ya Sin54. On that Day, no soul will be wronged in the least, and you will be recompensed only for what you used to do.
Ya Sin55. The inhabitants of Paradise, on that Day, will be happily busy.
Ya Sin56. They and their spouses, in shades, reclining on couches.
Ya Sin57. They will have therein fruits. They will have whatever they call for.
Ya Sin58. Peace—a saying from a Most Merciful Lord.
Ya Sin59. But step aside today, you criminals.
Ya Sin60. Did I not covenant with you, O Children of Adam, that you shall not serve the devil? That he is your sworn enemy?
Ya Sin61. And that you shall serve Me? This is a straight path.
Ya Sin62. He has misled a great multitude of you. Did you not understand?
Ya Sin63. This is Hellfire, which you were promised.
Ya Sin64. Roast in it today, because you persistently disbelieved.
Ya Sin65. On this Day, We will seal their mouths, and their hands will speak to Us, and their feet will testify to everything they had done.
Ya Sin66. If We will, We can blind their eyes as they rush towards the path—but how will they see?
Ya Sin67. And if We will, We can cripple them in their place; so they can neither move forward, nor go back.
Ya Sin68. Whomever We grant old age, We reverse his development. Do they not understand?
Ya Sin69. We did not teach him poetry, nor is it proper for him. It is only a reminder, and a Clear Quran.
Ya Sin70. That he may warn whoever is alive, and prove the Word against the faithless.
Ya Sin71. Have they not seen that We created for them, of Our Handiwork, livestock that they own?
Ya Sin72. And We subdued them for them. Some they ride, and some they eat.
Ya Sin73. And they have in them other benefits, and drinks. Will they not give thanks?
Ya Sin74. Yet they have taken to themselves gods other than God, that perhaps they may be helped.
Ya Sin75. They cannot help them, although they are arrayed as troops for them.
Ya Sin76. So let their words not sadden you. We know what they conceal, and what they reveal.
Ya Sin77. Does the human being not consider that We created him from a seed? Yet he becomes a fierce adversary.
Ya Sin78. And he produces arguments against Us, and he forgets his own creation. He says, “Who will revive the bones when they have decayed?”
Ya Sin79. Say, “He who initiated them in the first instance will revive them. He has knowledge of every creation.”
Ya Sin80. He who produced fuel for you from the green trees, with which you kindle a fire.
Ya Sin81. Is not He who created the heavens and the earth able to create the like of them? Certainly. He is the Supreme All-Knowing Creator.
Ya Sin82. His command, when He wills a thing, is to say to it, “Be,” and it comes to be.
Ya Sin83. So glory be to Him in whose hand is the dominion of everything, and to Him you will be returned.
Those Ranging in Ranks19. It will be a single nudge, and they will be staring.
Those Ranging in Ranks20. They will say, “Woe to us. This is the Day of Judgment.”
Those Ranging in Ranks21. “This is the Day of Separation which you used to deny.
Those Ranging in Ranks22. Gather those who did wrong, and their mates, and what they used to worship.
Those Ranging in Ranks23. Besides God, and lead them to the way to Hell.
Those Ranging in Ranks24. And stop them. They are to be questioned.”
Those Ranging in Ranks25. What is the matter with you? Why do you not help one another?
Those Ranging in Ranks26. In fact, on that Day, they will be submissive.
Those Ranging in Ranks27. They will come to one another, questioning one another.
Those Ranging in Ranks28. They will say, “You used to come at us from the right.”
Those Ranging in Ranks29. They will say, “You yourselves were not believers.
Those Ranging in Ranks30. We had no authority over you. You yourselves were rebellious people.
Those Ranging in Ranks31. The Word of our Lord has been realized against us. We are tasting it.
Those Ranging in Ranks32. We seduced you. We were seducers.”
Those Ranging in Ranks33. On that Day, they will share in the punishment.
Those Ranging in Ranks34. Thus We deal with the sinners.
Detailed19. The Day when God’s enemies are herded into the Fire, forcibly.
Detailed20. Until, when they have reached it, their hearing, and their sight, and their skins will testify against them regarding what they used to do.
Detailed21. And they will say to their skins, “Why did you testify against us?” They will say, “God, Who made all things speak, made us speak. It is He who created you the first time, and to Him you are returned.”
Detailed22. You were unable to hide yourselves from your hearing, and your sight, and your skins, to prevent them from testifying against you, and you imagined that God was unaware of much of what you do.
Detailed23. It is that thought of yours about your Lord that led you to ruin—so you became of the losers.
Detailed24. If they endure patiently, the Fire will be their residence; and if they make up excuses, they will not be pardoned.
Detailed25. We had assigned companions for them, who glamorized to them what was in front of them, and what was behind them. And the Word proved true against them in communities of jinn and humans that have passed away before them. They were losers.
Qaf15. Were We fatigued by the first creation? But they are in doubt of a new creation.
Qaf16. We created the human being, and We know what his soul whispers to him. We are nearer to him than his jugular vein.
Qaf17. As the two receivers receive, seated to the right and to the left.
Qaf18. Not a word does he utter, but there is a watcher by him, ready.
Qaf19. The daze of death has come in truth: “This is what you tried to evade.”
Qaf20. And the Trumpet is blown: “This is the Promised Day.”
Qaf21. And every soul will come forward, accompanied by a driver and a witness.
Qaf22. “You were in neglect of this, so We lifted your screen from you, and your vision today is keen.”
Qaf23. And His escort will say, “This is what I have ready with me.”
Qaf24. “Throw into Hell every stubborn disbeliever.
Qaf25. Preventer of good, aggressor, doubter.
Qaf26. Who fabricated another god with God; toss him into the intense agony.”
Qaf27. His escort will say, “Our Lord, I did not make him rebel, but he was far astray.”
Qaf28. He will say, “Do not feud in My presence—I had warned you in advance.
Qaf29. The decree from Me will not be changed, and I am not unjust to the servants.”
Qaf30. On the Day when We will say to Hell, “Are you full?” And it will say, “Are there any more?”
Qaf31. And Paradise will be brought closer to the pious, not far away.
Qaf32. “This is what you were promised—for every careful penitent.
Qaf33. Who inwardly feared the Most Gracious, and came with a repentant heart.
Qaf34. Enter it in peace. This is the Day of Eternity.”
Qaf35. Therein they will have whatever they desire—and We have even more.
Qaf36. How many generations before them, who were more powerful than they, did We destroy? They explored the lands—was there any escape?
Qaf37. In that is a reminder for whoever possesses a heart, or cares to listen and witness.
Qaf38. We created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six days, and no fatigue touched Us.
Qaf39. So endure what they say, and proclaim the praises of your Lord before the rising of the sun, and before sunset.
Qaf40. And glorify Him during the night, and at the end of devotions.
Qaf41. And listen for the Day when the caller calls from a nearby place.
Qaf42. The Day when they will hear the Shout in all truth. That is the Day of Emergence.
Qaf43. It is We who control life and death, and to Us is the destination.
Qaf44. The Day when the earth will crack for them at once. That is an easy gathering for Us.
Qaf45. We are fully aware of what they say, and you are not a dictator over them. So remind by the Quran whoever fears My warning.
The Mount1. By the Mount.
The Mount2. And a Book inscribed.
The Mount3. In a published scroll.
The Mount4. And the frequented House.
The Mount5. And the elevated roof.
The Mount6. And the seething sea.
The Mount7. The punishment of your Lord is coming.
The Mount8. There is nothing to avert it.
The Mount9. On the Day when the heaven sways in agitation.
The Mount10. And the mountains go into motion.
The Mount11. Woe on that Day to the deniers.
The Mount12. Those who play with speculation.
The Mount13. The Day when they are shoved into the Fire of Hell forcefully.
The Mount14. “This is the Fire which you used to deny.
The Mount15. Is this magic, or do you not see?
The Mount16. Burn in it. Whether you are patient, or impatient, it is the same for you. You are only being repaid for what you used to do.”
The Mount17. But the righteous will be amid gardens and bliss.
The Mount18. Enjoying what their Lord has given them, and their Lord has spared them the suffering of Hell.
The Mount19. Eat and drink happily, for what you used to do.
The Mount20. Relaxing on luxurious furnishings; and We will couple them with gorgeous spouses.
The Mount21. Those who believed, and their offspring followed them in faith—We will unite them with their offspring, and We will not deprive them of any of their works. Every person is hostage to what he has earned.
The Mount22. And We will supply them with fruit, and meat; such as they desire.
The Mount23. They will exchange therein a cup; wherein is neither harm, nor sin.
The Mount24. Serving them will be youths like hidden pearls.
The Mount25. And they will approach one another, inquiring.
The Mount26. They will say, “Before this, we were fearful for our families.
The Mount27. But God blessed us, and spared us the agony of the Fiery Winds.
The Mount28. Before this, we used to pray to Him. He is the Good, the Compassionate.”
The Moon1. The Hour has drawn near, and the moon has split.
The Moon2. Yet whenever they see a miracle, they turn away, and say, “Continuous magic.”
The Moon3. They lied, and followed their opinions, but everything has its time.
The Moon4. And there came to them news containing a deterrent.
The Moon5. Profound wisdom—but warnings are of no avail.
The Moon6. So turn away from them. On the Day when the Caller calls to something terrible.
The Moon7. Their eyes humiliated, they will emerge from the graves, as if they were swarming locusts.
The Moon8. Scrambling towards the Caller, the disbelievers will say, “This is a difficult Day.”
The Moon46. The Hour is their appointed time—the Hour is more disastrous, and most bitter.
The Moon47. The wicked are in confusion and madness.
The Moon48. The Day when they are dragged upon their faces into the Fire: “Taste the touch of Saqar.”
The Moon49. Everything We created is precisely measured.
The Moon50. And Our command is but once, like the twinkling of an eye.
The Moon51. We have destroyed your likes. Is there anyone who would ponder?
The Moon52. Everything they have done is in the Books.
The Moon53. Everything, small or large, is written down.
The Moon54. The righteous will be amidst gardens and rivers.
The Moon55. In an assembly of virtue, in the presence of an Omnipotent King.
The Event1. When the inevitable occurs.
The Event2. Of its occurrence, there is no denial.
The Event3. Bringing low, raising high.
The Event4. When the earth is shaken with a shock.
The Event5. And the mountains are crushed and crumbled.
The Event6. And they become scattered dust.
The Event7. And you become three classes.
The Event8. Those on the Right—what of those on the Right?
The Event9. And those on the Left—what of those on the Left?
The Event10. And the forerunners, the forerunners.
The Event11. Those are the nearest.
The Event12. In the Gardens of Bliss.
The Event13. A throng from the ancients.
The Event14. And a small band from the latecomers.
The Event15. On luxurious furnishings.
The Event16. Reclining on them, facing one another.
The Event17. Serving them will be immortalized youth.
The Event18. With cups, pitchers, and sparkling drinks.
The Event19. Causing them neither headache, nor intoxication.
The Event20. And fruits of their choice.
The Event21. And meat of birds that they may desire.
The Event22. And lovely companions.
The Event23. The likenesses of treasured pearls.
The Event24. As a reward for what they used to do.
The Event25. Therein they will hear no nonsense, and no accusations.
The Event26. But only the greeting: “Peace, peace.”
The Event27. And those on the Right—what of those on the Right?
The Event28. In lush orchards.
The Event29. And sweet-smelling plants.
The Event30. And extended shade.
The Event31. And outpouring water.
The Event32. And abundant fruit.
The Event33. Neither withheld, nor forbidden.
The Event34. And uplifted mattresses.
The Event35. We have created them of special creation.
The Event36. And made them virgins.
The Event37. Tender and un-aging.
The Event38. For those on the Right.
The Event39. A throng from the ancients.
The Event40. And a throng from the latecomers.
The Event41. And those on the Left—what of those on the Left?
The Event42. Amid searing wind and boiling water.
The Event43. And a shadow of thick smoke.
The Event44. Neither cool, nor refreshing.
The Event45. They had lived before that in luxury.
The Event46. And they used to persist in immense wrongdoing.
The Event47. And they used to say, “When we are dead and turned into dust and bones, are we to be resurrected?
The Event48. And our ancient ancestors too?”
The Event49. Say, “The first and the last.
The Event50. Will be gathered for the appointment of a familiar Day.”
The Event51. Then you, you misguided, who deny the truth.
The Event52. Will be eating from the Tree of Bitterness.
The Event53. Will be filling your bellies with it.
The Event54. Will be drinking on top of it boiling water.
The Event55. Drinking like thirsty camels drink.
The Event56. That is their hospitality on the Day of Retribution.
The Manifestation of Losses9. The Day when He gathers you for the Day of Gathering—that is the Day of Mutual Exchange. Whoever believes in God and acts with integrity, He will remit his misdeeds, and will admit him into gardens beneath which rivers flow, to dwell therein forever. That is the supreme achievement.
The Manifestation of Losses10. But as for those who disbelieve and denounce Our revelations—these are the inmates of the Fire, dwelling therein forever; and what a miserable fate!
The Kingdom6. For those who reject their Lord, there is the torment of Hell. What an evil destination!
The Kingdom7. When they are thrown into it, they will hear it roaring, as it seethes.
The Kingdom8. It almost bursts with fury. Every time a batch is thrown into it, its keepers will ask them, “Has no warner come to you?”
The Kingdom9. They will say, “Yes, a warner did come to us, but we disbelieved, and said, ‘God did not send down anything; you are very much mistaken.’”
The Kingdom10. And they will say, “Had we listened or reasoned, we would not have been among the inmates of the Blaze.”
The Kingdom11. So they will acknowledge their sins. So away with the inmates of the Blaze.
The Kingdom12. As for those who fear their Lord in secret—for them is forgiveness and a great reward.
The Kingdom
The Kingdom25. And they say, “When will this promise be fulfilled, if you are truthful?”
The Kingdom26. Say, “Knowledge is with God, and I am only a clear warner.”
The Kingdom27. But when they see it approaching, the faces of those who disbelieved will turn gloomy, and it will be said, “This is what you used to call for.”
The Kingdom28. Say, “Have you considered? Should God make me perish, and those with me; or else He bestows His mercy on us; who will protect the disbelievers from an agonizing torment?”
The Kingdom29. Say, “He is the Compassionate. We have faith in Him, and in Him we trust. Soon you will know who is in evident error.”
The Kingdom30. Say, “Have you considered? If your water drains away, who will bring you pure running water?”
The Pen42. On the Day when the Shin will be exposed, and they will be called to bow down, but they will be unable.
The Pen43. Their eyes subdued, shame will cover them. They were invited to bow down when they were sound.
The Pen44. So leave Me to those who reject this discourse; We will proceed against them gradually, from where they do not know.
The Pen45. And I will give them respite. My plan is firm.
The Sure Truth1. The Reality.
The Sure Truth2. What is the Reality?
The Sure Truth3. What will make you understand what the Reality is?
The Sure Truth4. Thamood and Aad denied the Catastrophe.
The Sure Truth5. As for Thamood, they were annihilated by the Overwhelming.
The Sure Truth6. And as for Aad; they were annihilated by a furious, roaring wind.
The Sure Truth7. He unleashed it upon them for seven nights and eight days, in succession. You could see the people tossed around, as though they were stumps of hollow palm-trees.
The Sure Truth8. Can you see any remnant of them?
The Sure Truth9. Then Pharaoh came, and those before him, and the Overturned Cities steeped in sin.
The Sure Truth10. But they disobeyed the messenger of their Lord, so He seized them with an overpowering grip.
The Sure Truth11. When the waters overflowed, We carried you in the cruising ship.
The Sure Truth12. To make it a lesson for you—so that retaining ears may retain it.
The Sure Truth13. Then, when the Trumpet is sounded a single time.
The Sure Truth14. And the earth and the mountains are lifted up, and crushed, with a single crush.
The Sure Truth15. On that Day, the Event will come to pass.
The Sure Truth16. And the heaven will crack; so on that Day it will be frail.
The Sure Truth17. And the angels will be ranged around its borders, while eight will be carrying the Throne of your Lord above them that Day.
The Sure Truth18. On that Day you will be exposed, and no secret of yours will remain hidden.
The Sure Truth19. As for him who is given his book in his right hand, he will say, “Here, take my book and read it.
The Sure Truth20. I knew I would be held accountable.”
The Sure Truth21. So he will be in pleasant living.
The Sure Truth22. In a lofty Garden.
The Sure Truth23. Its pickings are within reach.
The Sure Truth24. “Eat and drink merrily for what you did in the days gone by.”
The Sure Truth25. But as for him who is given his book in his left hand, he will say, “I wish I was never given my book.
The Sure Truth26. And never knew what my account was.
The Sure Truth27. If only it was the end.
The Sure Truth28. My money cannot avail me.
The Sure Truth29. My power has vanished from me.”
The Sure Truth30. “Take him and shackle him.
The Sure Truth31. Then scorch him in the Blaze.
The Sure Truth32. Then in a chain which length is seventy cubits tie him up.
The Sure Truth33. For he would not believe in God the Great.
The Sure Truth34. Nor would he advocate the feeding of the destitute.
The Sure Truth35. So he has no friend here today.
The Sure Truth36. And no food except scum.
The Sure Truth37. Which only the sinners eat.”
The Sure Truth38. Indeed, I swear by what you see.
The Sure Truth39. And by what you do not see.
The Sure Truth40. It is the speech of a noble messenger.
The Sure Truth41. And it is not the speech of a poet—little do you believe.
The Sure Truth42. Nor is it the speech of a soothsayer—little do you take heed.
The Sure Truth43. It is a revelation from the Lord of the Worlds.
The Sure Truth44. Had he falsely attributed some statements to Us.
The Sure Truth45. We would have seized him by the right arm.
The Sure Truth46. Then slashed his lifeline.
The Sure Truth47. And none of you could have restrained Us from him.
The Sure Truth48. Surely, it is a message for the righteous.
The Sure Truth49. And We know that some of you will reject it.
The Sure Truth50. And it is surely a source of grief for the unbelievers.
The Sure Truth51. Yet it is the absolute truth.
The Sure Truth52. So glorify the name of your Lord, the Magnificent.
The Ways of Ascent5. So be patient, with sweet patience.
The Ways of Ascent6. They see it distant.
The Ways of Ascent7. But We see it near.
The Ways of Ascent8. On the Day when the sky will be like molten brass.
The Ways of Ascent9. And the mountains will be like tufted wool.
The Ways of Ascent10. No friend will care about his friend.
The Ways of Ascent11. They will be shown each other. The criminal wishes he would be redeemed from the punishment of that Day by his children.
The Ways of Ascent12. And his spouse, and his brother.
The Ways of Ascent13. And his family that sheltered him.
The Ways of Ascent14. And everyone on earth, in order to save him.
The Ways of Ascent15. By no means! It is a Raging Fire.
The Ways of Ascent16. It strips away the scalps.
The Ways of Ascent17. It invites him who once turned his back and fled.
The Ways of Ascent18. And accumulated and hoarded.
The Ways of Ascent19. Man was created restless.
The Ways of Ascent20. Touched by adversity, he is fretful.
The Ways of Ascent21. Touched by good, he is ungenerous.
The Ways of Ascent22. Except the prayerful.
The Ways of Ascent23. Those who are constant at their prayers.
The Ways of Ascent24. And those in whose wealth is a rightful share.
The Ways of Ascent25. For the beggar and the deprived.
The Ways of Ascent26. And those who affirm the Day of Judgment.
The Ways of Ascent27. And those who fear the punishment of their Lord.
The Ways of Ascent28. Their Lord’s punishment is not to be taken for granted.
The Ways of Ascent29. And those who guard their chastity.
The Ways of Ascent30. Except from their spouses or those living under their control, for then they are free of blame.
The Ways of Ascent31. But whoever seeks to go beyond that—these are the transgressors.
The Ways of Ascent32. And those who honor their trusts and their pledges.
The Ways of Ascent33. And those who stand by their testimonies.
The Ways of Ascent34. And those who are dedicated to their prayers.
The Ways of Ascent35. These will be honored in Gardens.
The Ways of Ascent36. What is with those who disbelieve, stretching their necks towards you.
The Ways of Ascent37. From the right, and from the left, banding together?
The Ways of Ascent38. Is every one of them aspiring to be admitted into a Garden of Bliss?
The Ways of Ascent39. No indeed! We created them from what they know.
The Ways of Ascent40. I swear by the Lord of the Easts and the Wests, that We are Able.
The Ways of Ascent41. To replace them with better than they, and We are not to be outdone.
The Ways of Ascent42. So leave them to blunder and play, until they meet their Day which they are promised.
The Ways of Ascent43. The Day when they will emerge from the tombs in a rush, as though they were hurrying towards a target.
The Ways of Ascent44. Their eyes cast down; overwhelmed by humiliation. This is the Day which they were promised.
The Enwraped18. The heaven will shatter thereby. His promise is always fulfilled.
The Enwraped19. This is a reminder. So whoever wills, let him take a path to his Lord.
The Enrobed8. When the Trumpet is blown.
The Enrobed9. That Day will be a difficult day.
The Enrobed10. For the disbelievers—not easy.
The Enrobed11. Leave Me to him whom I created alone.
The Enrobed12. And gave him vast wealth.
The Enrobed13. And children as witnesses.
The Enrobed14. And smoothed things for him.
The Enrobed15. Then he wants Me to add yet more!
The Enrobed16. By no means! He was stubborn towards Our revelations.
The Enrobed17. I will exhaust him increasingly.
The Enrobed18. He thought and analyzed.
The Enrobed19. May he perish, how he analyzed.
The Enrobed20. Again: may he perish, how he analyzed.
The Enrobed21. Then he looked.
The Enrobed22. Then he frowned and whined.
The Enrobed23. Then he turned back and was proud.
The Enrobed24. And said, “This is nothing but magic from the past.
The Enrobed25. This is nothing but the word of a mortal.”
The Enrobed26. I will roast him in Saqar.
The Enrobed27. But what will explain to you what Saqar is?
The Enrobed28. It neither leaves, nor spares.
The Enrobed29. It scorches the flesh.
The Enrobed30. Over it are Nineteen.
The Enrobed31. We have appointed only angels to be wardens of the Fire, and caused their number to be a stumbling block for those who disbelieve; so that those given the Scripture may attain certainty; and those who believe may increase in faith; and those given the Scripture and the believers may not doubt; and those in whose hearts is sickness and the unbelievers may say, “What did God intend by this parable?” Thus God leads astray whom He wills, and guides whom He wills. None knows the soldiers of your Lord except He. This is nothing but a reminder for the mortals.
The Enrobed32. Nay! By the moon.
The Enrobed33. And the night as it retreats.
The Enrobed34. And the morning as it lights up.
The Enrobed35. It is one of the greatest.
The Enrobed36. A warning to the mortals.
The Enrobed37. To whomever among you wishes to advance, or regress.
The Enrobed38. Every soul is hostage to what it has earned.
The Enrobed39. Except for those on the Right.
The Enrobed40. In Gardens, inquiring.
The Enrobed41. About the guilty.
The Enrobed42. “What drove you into Saqar?”
The Enrobed43. They will say, “We were not of those who prayed.
The Enrobed44. Nor did we feed the destitute.
The Enrobed45. And we used to indulge with those who indulge.
The Enrobed46. And we used to deny the Day of Judgment.
The Enrobed47. Until the Inevitable came upon us.”
The Enrobed48. But the intercession of intercessors will not help them.
The Enrobed49. Why are they turning away from the Reminder?
The Enrobed50. As though they were panicked donkeys.
The Enrobed51. Fleeing from a lion?
The Enrobed52. Yet every one of them desires to be given scrolls unrolled.
The Enrobed53. No indeed! But they do not fear the Hereafter.
The Enrobed54. Nevertheless, it is a reminder.
The Enrobed55. So whoever wills, shall remember it.
The Enrobed56. But they will not remember, unless God wills. He is the Source of Righteousness, and the Source of Forgiveness.
The Resurrection1. I swear by the Day of Resurrection.
The Resurrection2. And I swear by the blaming soul.
The Resurrection3. Does man think that We will not reassemble his bones?
The Resurrection4. Yes indeed; We are Able to reconstruct his fingertips.
The Resurrection5. But man wants to deny what is ahead of him.
The Resurrection6. He asks, “When is the Day of Resurrection?”
The Resurrection7. When vision is dazzled.
The Resurrection8. And the moon is eclipsed.
The Resurrection9. And the sun and the moon are joined together.
The Resurrection10. On that Day, man will say, “Where is the escape?”
The Resurrection11. No indeed! There is no refuge.
The Resurrection12. To your Lord on that Day is the settlement.
The Resurrection13. On that Day man will be informed of everything he put forward, and everything he left behind.
The Resurrection14. And man will be evidence against himself.
The Resurrection15. Even as he presents his excuses.
The Resurrection16. Do not wag your tongue with it, to hurry on with it.
The Resurrection17. Upon Us is its collection and its recitation.
The Resurrection18. Then, when We have recited it, follow its recitation.
The Resurrection19. Then upon Us is its explanation.
The Resurrection20. Alas, you love the fleeting life.
The Resurrection21. And you disregard the Hereafter.
The Resurrection22. Faces on that Day will be radiant.
The Resurrection23. Looking towards their Lord.
The Resurrection24. And faces on that Day will be gloomy.
The Resurrection25. Realizing that a back-breaker has befallen them.
The Resurrection26. Indeed, when it has reached the breast-bones.
The Resurrection27. And it is said, “Who is the healer?”
The Resurrection28. And He realizes that it is the parting.
The Resurrection29. And leg is entwined with leg.
The Resurrection30. To your Lord on that Day is the drive.
The Resurrection31. He neither believed nor prayed.
The Resurrection32. But he denied and turned away.
The Resurrection33. Then he went to his family, full of pride.
The Resurrection34. Woe to you; and woe.
The Resurrection35. Then again: Woe to you; and woe.
The Resurrection36. Does man think that he will be left without purpose?
The Resurrection37. Was he not a drop of ejaculated semen?
The Resurrection38. Then he became a clot. And He created and proportioned?
The Resurrection39. And made of him the two sexes, the male and the female?
The Resurrection40. Is He not Able to revive the dead?
Those Sent Forth7. Surely what you are promised will happen.
Those Sent Forth8. When the stars are obliterated.
Those Sent Forth9. And the sky is fractured.
Those Sent Forth10. And the mountains are blown away.
Those Sent Forth11. And the messengers are alerted.
Those Sent Forth12. Until which day is it deferred?
Those Sent Forth13. Until the Day of Decision.
Those Sent Forth14. And what will teach you what the Day of Decision is?
Those Sent Forth15. Woe on that Day to the liars.
Those Sent Forth16. Did We not destroy the ancients?
Those Sent Forth17. Then succeeded them with the others?
Those Sent Forth18. This is how We deal with the guilty.
Those Sent Forth19. Woe on that Day to the rejecters.
Those Sent Forth20. Did We not create you from an insignificant fluid?
Those Sent Forth21. Then lodged it in a secure place?
Those Sent Forth22. For a known term?
Those Sent Forth23. We measured precisely. We are the best to measure.
Those Sent Forth24. Woe on that Day to the falsifiers.
Those Sent Forth25. Did We not make the earth a homestead?
Those Sent Forth26. For the living and the dead?
Those Sent Forth27. And set on it lofty mountains, and given you pure water to drink?
Those Sent Forth28. Woe on that Day to the deniers.
Those Sent Forth29. “Proceed to what you used to deny.”
Those Sent Forth30. “Proceed to a shadow of three different masses.”
Those Sent Forth31. Offering no shade, and unavailing against the flames.
Those Sent Forth32. It shoots sparks as castles.
Those Sent Forth33. As if they were yellow camels.
Those Sent Forth34. Woe on that Day to the liars.
Those Sent Forth35. This is a Day when they will not speak.
Those Sent Forth36. And they will not be allowed to apologize.
Those Sent Forth37. Woe on that Day to the rejecters.
Those Sent Forth38. This is the Day of Separation; We have gathered you, together with the ancients.
Those Sent Forth39. So if you have a strategy, use it against Me.
Those Sent Forth40. Woe on that Day to the falsifiers.
Those Sent Forth41. The righteous will be amidst shades and fountains.
Those Sent Forth42. And fruits as they desire.
Those Sent Forth43. “Eat and drink pleasantly, for what you used to do.”
Those Sent Forth44. This is how We reward the doers of good.
Those Sent Forth45. Woe on that Day to the deniers.
Those Sent Forth46. “Eat and enjoy yourselves a little; you are indeed criminals.”
Those Sent Forth47. Woe on that Day to the liars.
Those Sent Forth48. And when it is said to them, “Kneel”, they do not kneel.
Those Sent Forth49. Woe on that Day to the rejecters.
Those Sent Forth50. In what message, beyond this, will they believe?
The Announcement17. The Day of Sorting has been appointed.
The Announcement18. The Day when the Trumpet is blown, and you will come in droves.
The Announcement19. And the sky is opened up, and becomes gateways.
The Announcement20. And the mountains are set in motion, and become a mirage.
The Announcement21. Hell is lying in ambush.
The Announcement22. For the oppressors, a destination.
The Announcement23. Where they will remain for eons.
The Announcement24. They will taste therein neither coolness, nor drink.
The Announcement25. Except boiling water, and freezing hail.
The Announcement26. A fitting requital.
The Announcement27. For they were not anticipating any reckoning.
The Announcement28. And they denied Our signs utterly.
The Announcement29. But We have enumerated everything in writing.
The Announcement30. So taste! We will increase you only in suffering.
The Announcement31. But for the righteous there is triumph.
The Announcement32. Gardens and vineyards.
The Announcement33. And splendid spouses, well matched.
The Announcement34. And delicious drinks.
The Announcement35. They will hear therein neither gossip, nor lies.
The Announcement36. A reward from your Lord, a fitting gift.
The Announcement37. Lord of the heavens and the earth, and everything between them—The Most Merciful—none can argue with Him.
The Announcement38. On the Day when the Spirit and the angels stand in row. They will not speak, unless it be one permitted by the Most Merciful, and he will say what is right.
The Announcement39. That is the Day of Reality. So whoever wills, let him take a way back to his Lord.
The Announcement40. We have warned you of a near punishment—the Day when a person will observe what his hands have produced, and the faithless will say, “O, I wish I were dust.”
The Snatchers6. On the Day when the Quake quakes.
The Snatchers7. And is followed by the Successor.
The Snatchers8. Hearts on that Day will be pounding.
The Snatchers9. Their sights downcast.
The Snatchers10. They say, “Are we to be restored to the original condition?
The Snatchers11. When we have become hollow bones?”
The Snatchers12. They say, “This is a losing proposition.”
The Snatchers13. But it will be only a single nudge.
The Snatchers14. And they will be awake.
The Snatchers42. They ask you about the Hour, “When will it take place?”
The Snatchers43. You have no knowledge of it.
The Snatchers44. To your Lord is its finality.
The Snatchers45. You are just a warner for whoever dreads it.
The Snatchers46. On the Day when they witness it—as though they only stayed an evening, or its morning.
The Rolling1. When the sun is rolled up.
The Rolling2. When the stars are dimmed.
The Rolling3. When the mountains are set in motion.
The Rolling4. When the relationships are suspended.
The Rolling5. When the beasts are gathered.
The Rolling6. When the oceans are set aflame.
The Rolling7. When the souls are paired.
The Rolling8. When the girl, buried alive, is asked:
The Rolling9. For what crime was she killed?
The Rolling10. When the records are made public.
The Rolling11. When the sky is peeled away.
The Rolling12. When the Fire is set ablaze.
The Rolling13. When Paradise is brought near.
The Rolling14. Each soul will know what it has readied.
The Rolling15. I swear by the galaxies.
The Rolling16. Precisely running their courses.
The Rolling17. And by the night as it recedes.
The Rolling18. And by the morn as it breathes.
The Rolling19. This is the speech of a noble messenger.
The Rolling20. Endowed with power, eminent with the Lord of the Throne.
The Rolling21. Obeyed and honest.
The Rolling22. Your friend is not possessed.
The Rolling23. He saw him on the luminous horizon.
The Rolling24. And He does not withhold knowledge of the Unseen.
The Rolling25. And it is not the word of an accursed devil.
The Rolling26. So where are you heading?
The Rolling27. It is only a Reminder to all mankind.
The Rolling28. To whoever of you wills to go straight.
The Rolling29. But you cannot will, unless God wills—The Lord of the Worlds.
The Shattering1. When the sky breaks apart.
The Shattering2. When the planets are scattered.
The Shattering3. When the oceans are exploded.
The Shattering4. When the tombs are strewn around.
The Shattering5. Each soul will know what it has advanced, and what it has deferred.
The Shattering6. O man! What deluded you concerning your Lord, the Most Generous?
The Shattering7. He Who created you, and formed you, and proportioned you?
The Shattering8. In whatever shape He willed, He assembled you.
The Shattering9. But you reject the religion.
The Shattering10. Though over you are watchers.
The Shattering11. Honest recorders.
The Shattering12. They know everything you do.
The Shattering13. The virtuous will be in bliss.
The Shattering14. While the wicked will be in Hell.
The Shattering15. They will enter it on the Day of Justice.
The Shattering16. And they will not be absent from it.
The Shattering17. But what will convey to you what the Day of Justice is?
The Shattering18. Then again, what will convey to you what the Day of Justice is?
The Shattering19. The Day when no soul will avail another soul anything; and the decision on that Day is God’s.
The Defrauders1. Woe to the defrauders.
The Defrauders2. Those who, when they take a measure from people, they take in full.
The Defrauders3. But when they measure or weigh to others, they cheat.
The Defrauders4. Do these not know that they will be resurrected?
The Defrauders5. For a Great Day?
The Defrauders6. The Day when mankind will stand before the Lord of the Worlds?
The Defrauders7. Not at all. The record of the wicked is in Sijjeen.
The Defrauders8. But how can you know what Sijjeen is?
The Defrauders9. A numerical book.
The Defrauders10. Woe on that Day to the deniers.
The Defrauders11. Those who deny the Day of Reckoning.
The Defrauders12. But none denies it except the sinful aggressor.
The Defrauders13. When Our revelations are recited to him, he says, “Legends of the ancients.”
The Defrauders14. Not at all. Their hearts have become corroded by what they used to earn.
The Defrauders15. Not at all. On that Day, they will be screened from their Lord.
The Defrauders16. Then they will roast in Hell.
The Defrauders17. Then it will be said, “This is what you used to deny.”
The Defrauders18. No indeed; the record of the righteous is in Elliyyeen.
The Defrauders19. But how can you know what Elliyyoon is?
The Defrauders20. A numerical book.
The Defrauders21. Witnessed by those brought near.
The Defrauders22. Indeed, the righteous will be amid bliss.
The Defrauders23. On thrones, looking on.
The Defrauders24. You will recognize on their faces the radiance of bliss.
The Defrauders25. They will be given to drink a sealed wine.
The Defrauders26. Whose seal is musk—this is what competitors should compete for.
The Defrauders27. Its mixture is of Tasneem.
The Defrauders28. A spring from which those brought near drink.
The Defrauders29. Those who committed crimes used to laugh at those who believed.
The Defrauders30. And when they passed by them, they would wink at one another.
The Defrauders31. And when they went back to their families, they would go back exulting.
The Defrauders32. And if they saw them, they would say, “These people are lost.”
The Defrauders33. Yet they were not sent as guardians over them.
The Defrauders
The Defrauders34. But on that Day, those who believed will laugh at the unbelievers.
The Defrauders35. On luxurious furnishings, looking on.
The Defrauders36. Have the unbelievers been repaid for what they used to do?
The Rapture1. When the sky is ruptured.
The Rapture2. And hearkens to its Lord, as it must.
The Rapture3. And when the earth is leveled out.
The Rapture4. And casts out what is in it, and becomes empty.
The Rapture5. And hearkens to its Lord, as it must.
The Rapture6. O man! You are laboring towards your Lord, and you will meet Him.
The Rapture7. As for him who is given his book in his right hand.
The Rapture8. He will have an easy settlement.
The Rapture9. And will return to his family delighted.
The Rapture10. But as for him who is given his book behind his back.
The Rapture11. He will call for death.
The Rapture12. And will enter the Blaze.
The Rapture13. He used to be happy among his family.
The Rapture14. He thought he would never return.
The Rapture15. In fact, his Lord was watching him.
The Rapture16. I swear by the twilight.
The Rapture17. And by the night, and what it covers.
The Rapture18. And by the moon, as it grows full.
The Rapture19. You will mount stage by stage.
The Rapture20. What is the matter with them that they do not believe?
The Rapture21. And when the Quran is read to them, they do not bow down?
The Rapture22. In fact, those who disbelieve are in denial.
The Rapture23. But God knows what they hide inside.
The Rapture24. So inform them of a painful punishment.
The Rapture25. Except those who believe and do good deeds; they will have an undiminished reward.
The Constellations1. By the sky with the constellations.
The Constellations2. And by the Promised Day.
The Constellations3. And by the witness and the witnessed.
The Constellations4. Destroyed were the People of the Trench.
The Constellations5. The fire supplied with fuel.
The Constellations6. While they sat around it.
The Constellations7. And were witnessing what they did to the believers.
The Constellations8. They begrudged them only because they believed in God the Almighty, the Praiseworthy.
The Constellations9. To Whom belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. God is witness over everything.
The Constellations10. Those who tempt the believers, men and women, then do not repent; for them is the punishment of Hell; for them is the punishment of Burning.
The Constellations11. Those who believe and do righteous deeds will have Gardens beneath which rivers flow. That is the great triumph.
The Constellations12. The onslaught of your Lord is severe.
The Constellations13. It is He who begins and repeats.
The Constellations14. And He is the Forgiving, the Loving.
The Constellations15. Possessor of the Glorious Throne.
The Constellations16. Doer of whatever He wills.
The Nightly Visitor1. By the sky and at-Tariq.
The Nightly Visitor2. But what will let you know what at-Tariq is?
The Nightly Visitor3. The Piercing Star.
The Nightly Visitor4. There is no soul without a Protector over it.
The Nightly Visitor5. Let man consider what he was created from.
The Nightly Visitor6. He was created from gushing liquid.
The Nightly Visitor7. Issuing from between the backbone and the breastbones.
The Nightly Visitor8. He is certainly able to return him.
The Nightly Visitor9. On the Day when the secrets are disclosed.
The Nightly Visitor10. He will have no strength, and no supporter.
The Nightly Visitor11. By the sky that returns.
The Nightly Visitor12. And the earth that cracks open.
The Nightly Visitor13. It is a Decisive Word.
The Nightly Visitor14. It is no joke.
The Nightly Visitor15. They plot and scheme.
The Nightly Visitor16. But I plot and scheme.
The Nightly Visitor17. Therefore, give the blasphemers respite, a brief respite.
The Overwhelming1. Has there come to you the news of the overwhelming?
The Overwhelming2. Faces on that Day will be shamed.
The Overwhelming3. Laboring and exhausted.
The Overwhelming4. Roasting in a scorching Fire.
The Overwhelming5. Given to drink from a flaming spring.
The Overwhelming6. They will have no food except thorns.
The Overwhelming7. That neither nourishes, nor satisfies hunger.
The Overwhelming8. Faces on that Day will be joyful.
The Overwhelming9. Satisfied with their endeavor.
The Overwhelming10. In a lofty Garden.
The Overwhelming11. In it you will hear no nonsense.
The Overwhelming12. In it is a flowing spring.
The Overwhelming13. In it are raised beds.
The Overwhelming14. And cups set in place.
The Overwhelming15. And cushions set in rows.
The Overwhelming16. And carpets spread around.
The Overwhelming17. Do they not look at the camels—how they are created?
The Overwhelming18. And at the sky—how it is raised?
The Overwhelming19. And at the mountains—how they are installed?
The Overwhelming20. And at the earth—how it is spread out?
The Night1. By the night as it covers.
The Night2. And the day as it reveals.
The Night3. And He who created the male and the female.
The Night4. Your endeavors are indeed diverse.
The Night5. As for him who gives and is righteous.
The Night6. And confirms goodness.
The Night7. We will ease his way towards ease.
The Night8. But as for him who is stingy and complacent.
The Night9. And denies goodness.
The Night10. We will ease his way towards difficulty.
The Night11. And his money will not avail him when he plummets.
The Night12. It is upon Us to guide.
The Night13. And to Us belong the Last and the First.
The Night14. I have warned you of a Fierce Blaze.
The Night15. None will burn in it except the very wicked.
The Night16. He who denies and turns away.
The Night17. But the devout will avoid it.
The Night18. He who gives his money to become pure.
The Night19. Seeking no favor in return.
The Night20. Only seeking the acceptance of his Lord, the Most High.
The Night21. And he will be satisfied.
The Quake1. When the earth is shaken with its quake.
The Quake2. And the earth brings out its loads.
The Quake3. And man says, “What is the matter with it?”
The Quake4. On that Day, it will tell its tales.
The Quake5. For your Lord will have inspired it.
The Quake6. On that Day, the people will emerge in droves, to be shown their works.
The Quake7. Whoever has done an atom's weight of good will see it.
The Quake8. And whoever has done an atom's weight of evil will see it.
The Racers6. Indeed, the human being is ungrateful to his Lord.
The Racers7. And he bears witness to that.
The Racers8. And he is fierce in his love of wealth.
The Racers9. Does he not know? When the contents of the graves are scattered around.
The Racers10. And the contents of the hearts are obtained.
The Racers11. Their Lord, on that Day, is fully informed of them.
The Shocker1. The Shocker.
The Shocker2. What is the Shocker?
The Shocker3. What will explain to you what the Shocker is?
The Shocker4. The Day when the people will be like scattered moths.
The Shocker5. And the mountains will be like tufted wool.
The Shocker6. As for he whose scales are heavy.
The Shocker7. He will be in a pleasant life.
The Shocker8. But as for he whose scales are light.
The Shocker9. His home is the Abyss.
The Shocker10. Do you know what it is?
The Shocker11. A Raging Fire.
Abundance1. Abundance distracts you.
Abundance2. Until you visit the graveyards.
Abundance3. Indeed, you will know.
Abundance4. Certainly, you will know.
Abundance5. If you knew with knowledge of certainty.
Abundance6. You would see the Inferno.
Abundance7. Then you will see it with the eye of certainty.
Abundance8. Then, on that Day, you will be questioned about the Bliss.