
The prophet who invited the Israelites, Christians and polytheists to the religion of Prophet Abraham: Prophet Muhammad. The Qur'an, the book confirming and confirming the Torah and the Gospel before it.

The truth we were not told: The whole video consists of only verses of the Qur'an, with the verse name and number written on each line. It does not contain any opinions, explanations or comments. Arranged in order of historical experience.
Questions asked to Prophet Muhammed related verses
Surah Name Verses number and verse
The Rock6. And they said, “O you who received the message, you are insane.”
The Rock7. Why do you not bring us the angels, if you are truthful?”
The Rock8. We do not send the angels down except with reason, and they will not be held back.
The Rock9. Surely We revealed the Message, and We will surely preserve it.
The Rock10. We sent others before you, to the former communities.
The Rock11. But no messenger came to them, but they ridiculed him.
The Rock12. Thus We slip it into the hearts of the guilty.
The Rock13. They do not believe in it, though the ways of the ancients have passed away.
The Rock14. Even if We opened for them a gateway into the sky, and they began to ascend through it.
The Rock15. They would still say, “Our eyes are hallucinating; in fact, we are people bewitched.”
The Believers23. We sent Noah to his people. He said, “O my people, worship God, you have no deity other than Him. Will you not take heed?”
The Believers24. But the notables of his people, who disbelieved, said, “This is nothing but a human like you, who wants to gain superiority over you. Had God willed, He would have sent down angels. We never heard of this from our forefathers of old.
The Believers25. He is nothing but a man possessed. Just ignore him for a while.”
The Believers26. He said, “My Lord, help me, for they have rejected me.”
The Believers27. So We inspired him: “Build the Ark under Our observation and by Our inspiration. And when Our decree comes to pass, and the oven boils over, load into it two pairs of every kind, together with your family, except those of them against whom the word has already been pronounced. And do not speak to me concerning those who did wrong; for they are to be drowned.”
The Heifer108. Or do you want to question your Messenger as Moses was questioned before? Whoever exchanges faith for disbelief has strayed from the right path.
The Heifer
The Heifer132. And Abraham exhorted his sons, and Jacob, “O my sons, God has chosen this religion for you, so do not die unless you have submitted.”
The Heifer133. Or were you witnesses when death approached Jacob, and he said to his sons, “What will you worship after Me?” They said, “We will worship your God, and the God of your fathers, Abraham, Ishmael, and Isaac; One God; and to Him we submit.”
The Heifer
The Heifer139. Say, “Do you argue with us about God, when He is our Lord and your Lord, and We have our works, and you have your works, and we are sincere to Him?”
The Heifer140. Or do you say that Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Patriarchs were Jews or Christians? Say, “Do you know better, or God?” And who does greater wrong than he who conceals a testimony he has from God? God is not unaware of what you do.
Family of İmran142. Or do you expect to enter Paradise, before God has distinguished those among you who strive, and before He has distinguished the steadfast?
The Heifer214. Or do you expect to enter Paradise before the example of those who came before you had reached you? Adversity and hardship had afflicted them, and they were so shaken up, that the Messenger and those who believed with him said, “When is God’s victory?” Indeed, God’s victory is near.
Women18. But repentance is not available for those who commit evils, until when death approaches one of them, he says, “Now I repent,” nor for those who die as disbelievers. These—We have prepared for them a painful torment.
Livestock25. Among them are those who listen to you; but We place covers over their hearts, to prevent them from understanding it, and heaviness in their ears. Even if they see every sign, they will not believe in it. Until, when they come to you, to argue with you, those who disbelieve will say, “These are nothing but myths of the ancients.”
The Spoils31. And when Our revelations are recited to them, they say, “We have heard. Had we wanted, we could have said the like of this; these are nothing but myths of the ancients.”
The Bee24. And when it is said to them, “What has your Lord sent down?” They say, “Legends of the ancients.”
The Bee25. So let them carry their loads complete on the Day of Resurrection, and some of the loads of those they misguided without knowledge. Evil is what they carry.
The Believers83. We were promised this before—we and our ancestors—these are nothing but legends of the ancients.”
The Believers84. Say, “To whom does the earth belong, and everyone in it, if you happen to know?”
The Criterion4. Those who disbelieve say, “This is nothing but a lie that he made up, and others have helped him at it.” They have committed an injustice and a perjury.
The Criterion5. And they say, “Tales of the ancients; he wrote them down; they are dictated to him morning and evening.”
The Criterion6. Say, “It was revealed by He who knows the Secret in the heavens and the earth. He is always Forgiving and Merciful.”
The Criterion7. And they say, “What sort of messenger is this, who eats food, and walks in the marketplaces? If only an angel was sent down with him, to be alongside him a warner.”
The Criterion8. Or, “If only a treasure was dropped on him.” Or, “If only he had a garden from which he eats.” The evildoers also say, “You are following but a man under spell.”
The Criterion9. Look how they invent examples for you. They have gone astray, and cannot find a way.
The Ant68. We were promised that before, we and our ancestors—these are nothing but legends of the ancients.”
The Ant69. Say, travel through the earth, and observe the fate of the guilty.”
The Dunes17. As for him who says to his parents, “Enough of you! Are you promising me that I will be raised up, when generations have passed away before me?” While they cry for God’s help, “Woe to you! Believe! The promise of God is true!” But he says, “These are nothing but tales of the ancients.”
The Dunes18. Those are they upon whom the sentence is justified, among the communities that have passed away before them, of jinn and humans. They are truly losers.
The Pen15. When Our Verses are recited to him, he says, “Myths of the ancients!”
The Pen16. We will brand him on the muzzle.
The Defrauders13. When Our revelations are recited to him, he says, “Legends of the ancients.”
The Defrauders14. Not at all. Their hearts have become corroded by what they used to earn.
The Defrauders15. Not at all. On that Day, they will be screened from their Lord.
The Defrauders16. Then they will roast in Hell.
Women153. The People of the Scripture challenge you to bring down to them a book from the sky. They had asked Moses for something even greater. They said, “Show us God plainly.” The thunderbolt struck them for their wickedness. Then they took the calf for worship, even after the clear proofs had come to them. Yet We pardoned that, and We gave Moses a clear authority.
The Spoils31. And when Our revelations are recited to them, they say, “We have heard. Had we wanted, we could have said the like of this; these are nothing but myths of the ancients.”
The Spoils32. And they said, “Our God, if this is the truth from You, then rain down on us stones from the sky, or visit us with a painful affliction.”
The Spoils33. But God would not punish them while you are amongst them. And God would not punish them as long as they seek forgiveness.
Jonah37. This Quran could not have been produced by anyone other than God. In fact, it is a confirmation of what preceded it, and an elaboration of the Book. There is no doubt about it—it is from the Lord of the Universe.
Jonah38. Or do they say, “He has forged it”? Say, “Then produce a single chapter like it, and call upon whomever you can, apart from God, if you are truthful.”
Jonah39. In fact, they deny what is beyond the limits of their knowledge, and whose explanation has not yet reached them. Thus those before them refused to believe. So note the consequences for the wrongdoers.
Jonah41. If they accuse you of lying, say, “I have my deeds, and you have your deeds. You are quit of what I do, and I am quit of what you do.”
Jonah42. And among them are those who listen to you. But can you make the deaf hear, even though they do not understand?
Jonah43. And among them are those who look at you. But can you guide the blind, even though they do not see?
Jonah48. And they say, “When will this promise be fulfilled, if you are truthful?”
Jonah49. Say, “I have no power to harm or benefit myself, except as God wills. To every nation is an appointed time. Then, when their time arrives, they can neither postpone it by one hour, nor advance it.
Jonah50. Say, “Have you considered? If His punishment overtakes you by night or by day, what part of it will the guilty seek to hasten?”
Jonah51. “Then, when it falls, will you believe in it? Now? When before you tried to hasten it?”
Jonah68. And they said, “God has taken a son.” Be He glorified. He is the Self-Sufficient. His is everything in the heavens and everything on earth. Do you have any proof for this? Or are you saying about God what you do not know?
Jonah69. Say, “Those who fabricate lies about God will not succeed.”
Thunder6. And they urge you to hasten evil before good, though examples have passed away before them. Your Lord is full of forgiveness towards the people for their wrongdoings, yet your Lord is severe in retribution.
Thunder7. Those who disbelieve say, “Why was a miracle not sent down to him from his Lord?” You are only a warner, and to every community is a guide.
Thunder27. Those who disbelieve say, “If only a miracle was sent down to him from his Lord.” Say, “God leads astray whomever He wills, and He guides to Himself whoever repents.”
Thunder43. Those who disbelieve say, “You are not a messenger.” Say, “God is a sufficient witness between me and you, and whoever has knowledge of the Scripture.”
The Rock6. And they said, “O you who received the message, you are insane.”
The Rock7. Why do you not bring us the angels, if you are truthful?”
The Rock8. We do not send the angels down except with reason, and they will not be held back.
The Rock9. Surely We revealed the Message, and We will surely preserve it.
The Bee24. And when it is said to them, “What has your Lord sent down?” They say, “Legends of the ancients.”
The Bee25. So let them carry their loads complete on the Day of Resurrection, and some of the loads of those they misguided without knowledge. Evil is what they carry.
The Night Journey47. We know well what they listen to, when they listen to you, as they conspire, when the wrongdoers say, “You only follow a man bewitched.”
The Night Journey48. Note what they compared you to. They are lost, and unable to find a way.
The Night Journey49. And they say, “When we have become bones and fragments, shall we really be resurrected as a new creation?”
The Night Journey50. Say, “Even if you become rocks or iron.
The Night Journey51. Or some substance, which, in your minds, is even harder.” Then they will say, “Who will restore us?” Say, “The One who originated you the first time.” Then they will nod their heads at you, and say, “When will it be?” Say, “Perhaps it will be soon.”
The Night Journey52. On the Day when He calls you, you will respond with His praise, and you will realize that you stayed only a little.
The Night Journey
The Night Journey90. And they said, “We will not believe in you unless you make a spring burst from the ground for us.
The Night Journey91. Or you have a garden of palms and vines; then cause rivers to gush pouring through them.
The Night Journey92. Or make the sky fall on us in pieces, as you claim, or bring God and the angels before us.
The Night Journey93. Or you possess a house of gold. Or you ascend into the sky. Even then, we will not believe in your ascension, unless you bring down for us a book that we can read.” Say, “Glory be to my Lord. Am I anything but a human messenger?”
The Night Journey94. Nothing prevented the people from believing, when guidance has come to them, except that they said, “Did God send a human messenger?”
The Night Journey95. Say, “If there were angels on earth, walking around in peace, We would have sent down to them from heaven an angel messenger.”
The Night Journey96. Say, “God is enough witness between you and me. He is fully aware of His servants, and He sees them well.”
The Prophets38. And they say, “When will this promise come true, if you are truthful?”
The Prophets39. If those who disbelieve only knew, when they cannot keep the fire off their faces and off their backs, and they will not be helped.
The Prophets40. In fact, it will come upon them suddenly, and bewilder them. They will not be able to repel it, and they will not be reprieved.
The Criterion4. Those who disbelieve say, “This is nothing but a lie that he made up, and others have helped him at it.” They have committed an injustice and a perjury.
The Criterion5. And they say, “Tales of the ancients; he wrote them down; they are dictated to him morning and evening.”
The Criterion6. Say, “It was revealed by He who knows the Secret in the heavens and the earth. He is always Forgiving and Merciful.”
The Criterion7. And they say, “What sort of messenger is this, who eats food, and walks in the marketplaces? If only an angel was sent down with him, to be alongside him a warner.”
The Criterion8. Or, “If only a treasure was dropped on him.” Or, “If only he had a garden from which he eats.” The evildoers also say, “You are following but a man under spell.”
The Criterion9. Look how they invent examples for you. They have gone astray, and cannot find a way.
The Criterion10. Blessed is He who, if He wills, can provide you with better than that—gardens beneath which rivers flow—and He will give you palaces.
The Criterion11. In fact, they have denied the Hour, and We have prepared for those who deny the Hour a Blaze.
The Criterion12. When it sees them from a distant place, they will hear it raging and roaring.
The Criterion13. And when they are thrown into it, into a tight place, shackled, they will plead there for death.
The Criterion14. “Do not plead for one death today, but plead for a great many deaths.”
The Criterion15. Say, “Is this better, or the Garden of Eternity promised to the righteous? It is for them a reward and a destination.
The Criterion16. They will have therein whatever they desire, forever. That is upon your Lord a binding promise.
The Criterion17. On the Day when He gathers them, and what they worshiped besides God, He will say, “Was it you who misled these servants of Mine, or was it they who lost the way?”
The Criterion18. They will say, “Glory be to You. It was not for us to take any lords besides You. But you gave them enjoyments, and their ancestors, until they forgot the Message, and became ruined people.”
The Criterion19. They have denied you because of what you say; so you can neither avert, nor help. Whoever among you commits injustice, We will make him taste a grievous punishment.
The Criterion20. We never sent any messengers before you, but they ate food and walked in the marketplaces. And We made some of you tempters for one another—will you be patient? Your Lord is always Observing.
The Criterion21. Those who do not expect to meet Us say, “If only the angels were sent down to us, or we could see our Lord.” They have grown arrogant within themselves, and have become excessively defiant.
The Criterion22. On the Day when they see the angels—there will be no good news for sinners on that Day; and they will say, “A protective refuge.”
The Criterion23. We will proceed to the works they did, and will turn them into scattered dust.
The Criterion24. The companions of Paradise on that Day will be better lodged, and more fairly accommodated.
The Criterion25. The Day when the sky is cleft with clouds, and the angels are sent down in streams.
The Criterion26. On that Day, true sovereignty will belong to the Merciful, and it will be a difficult Day for the disbelievers.
The Criterion27. On that Day, the wrongdoer will bite his hands, and say, “If only I had followed the way with the Messenger.
The Criterion28. Oh, woe to me; I wish I never took so-and-so for a friend.
The Criterion29. He led me away from the Message after it had come to me; for Satan has always been a betrayer of man.”
The Criterion30. And the Messenger will say, “My Lord, my people have abandoned this Quran.”
The Criterion31. Likewise, to every prophet We assign enemies from among the wicked. But your Lord suffices as a Guide and Savior.
The Criterion32. Those who disbelieve say, “Why was the Quran not revealed to him at once?” Thus in order to strengthen your heart thereby, and We revealed it in stages.
The Criterion33. Whatever argument they come to you with, We provide you with the truth, and a better exposition.
The Criterion34. Those who are herded into Hell on their faces—those are in a worse position, and further astray from the way.
The Spider50. And they said, “If only a miracle from his Lord was sent down to him.” Say, “Miracles are only with God, and I am only a clear warner.”
The Spider
The Spider53. And they urge you to hasten the punishment. Were it not for a specified time, the punishment would have come to them. But it will come upon them suddenly, while they are unaware.
The Spider54. They urge you to hasten the punishment. But Hell will engulf the disbelievers.
Prostration3. Yet they say, “He made it up.” In fact, it is the Truth from your Lord, to warn a people who received no warner before you, that they may be guided.
Prostration4. God is He who created the heavens and the earth and everything between them in six days, and then established Himself on the Throne. Apart from Him, you have no master and no intercessor. Will you not reflect?
Prostration10. And they say, “When we are lost into the earth, shall we be in a new creation?” In fact, they deny the meeting with their Lord.
Prostration11. Say, “The angel of death put in charge of you will reclaim you. Then to your Lord you will be returned.”
Sheba7. Those who disbelieved said, “Shall we point out to you a man, who will tell you that, once torn into shreds, you will be in a new creation?
Originator4. If they reject you, messengers before you were also rejected. To God all matters are returned.
The Aligners15. And they say, “This is nothing but plain magic.
The Aligners16. When we have died and become dust and bones, shall we be resurrected?
The Aligners17. And our ancestors of old?”
The Aligners18. Say, “Yes indeed, and you will be totally subdued.”
The Aligners19. It will be a single nudge, and they will be staring.
The Aligners20. They will say, “Woe to us. This is the Day of Judgment.”
The Aligners21. “This is the Day of Separation which you used to deny.
The Aligners
The Aligners35. When it was said to them, “There is no god except God,” they grew arrogant.
The Aligners36. And said, “Are we to abandon our gods for a mad poet?”
The Aligners37. In fact, he came with the truth, and he confirmed the messengers.
The Aligners38. Most assuredly, you will taste the painful punishment.
The Aligners
The Aligners53. That after we die and become dust and bones, we will be called to account?”
The Aligners54. He will say, “Will you have a look?”
The Aligners55. He will look, and will see him in the pit of Hell.
The Aligners56. He will say, “By God, you almost ruined me.
The Aligners57. Were it not for the grace of my Lord, I would have been among the arraigned.”
Saad4. And they marveled that a warner has come to them from among them. The disbelievers said, “This is a lying magician.”
Saad5. “Did he turn all the gods into one God? This is something strange.”
Saad7. We never heard of this in the former faith. This is nothing but a fabrication.
Saad8. Was the message sent down to him, out of all of us?” In fact, they are doubtful of My warning. In fact, they have not yet tasted My punishment.
Detailed5. And they say, “Our hearts are screened from what you call us to, and in our ears is deafness, and between us and you is a barrier. So do what you want, and so will we.”
Detailed6. Say, “I am only a human like you; it is inspired in me that your God is One God. So be upright towards Him, and seek forgiveness from Him.” And woe to the idolaters.
Kneeling25. When Our clarifying Verses are recited to them, their only argument is to say, “Bring back our ancestors, if you are truthful.”
Kneeling26. Say, “God gives you life, then He makes you die; then He gathers you for the Day of Resurrection, about which there is no doubt. But most people do not know.”
Kneeling27. To God belongs the kingship of the heavens and the earth. On the Day when the Hour takes place, on that Day the falsifiers will lose.
Kneeling28. You will see every community on its knees; every community will be called to its Book: “Today you are being repaid for what you used to do.
Kneeling29. This Book of Ours speaks about you in truth. We have been transcribing what you have been doing.”
The Dunes8. Or do they say, “He invented it himself”? Say, “If I invented it myself, there is nothing you can do to protect me from God. He knows well what you are engaged in. He is sufficient witness between me and you. He is the Forgiver, the Merciful.”
The Dunes9. Say, “I am not different from the other messengers; and I do not know what will be done with me, or with you. I only follow what is inspired in me, and I am only a clear warner.”
The Dunes10. Say, “Have you considered? What if it is from God and you disbelieve in it? A witness from the Children of Israel testified to its like, and has believed, while you turned arrogant. God does not guide the unjust people.”
The Dunes11. Those who disbelieve say to those who believe, “If it were anything good, they would not have preceded us to it.” And since they were not guided by it, they will say, “This is an ancient lie.”
The Dunes12. And before it was the Book of Moses, a model and a mercy. And this is a confirming Book, in the Arabic language, to warn those who do wrong—and good news for the doers of good.
The Dunes13. Those who say, “Our Lord is God,” then lead a righteous life—they have nothing to fear, nor shall they grieve.
The Mount29. So remind. By the grace of your Lord, you are neither a soothsayer, nor a madman.
The Mount30. Or do they say, “A poet—we await for him a calamity of time”?
The Mount31. Say, “Go on waiting; I will be waiting with you.”
The Mount32. Or is it that their dreams compel them to this? Or are they aggressive people?
The Mount33. Or do they say, “He made it up”? Rather, they do not believe.
The Mount34. So let them produce a discourse like it, if they are truthful.
The Mount35. Or were they created out of nothing? Or are they the creators?
The Mount36. Or did they create the heavens and the earth? In fact, they are not certain.
The Mount37. Or do they possess the treasuries of your Lord? Or are they the controllers?
The Mount38. Or do they have a stairway by means of which they listen? Then let their listener produce a clear proof.
The Mount39. Or for Him the daughters, and for you the sons?
The Mount40. Or do you demand a payment from them, and they are burdened by debt?
The Mount41. Or do they know the future, and they are writing it down?
The Mount42. Or are they planning a conspiracy? The conspiracy will befall the disbelievers.
The Mount43. Or do they have a god besides God? God transcends what they associate.
The Mount44. Even if they were to see lumps of the sky falling down, they would say, “A mass of clouds.”
The Mount45. So leave them until they meet their Day in which they will be stunned.
The Mount46. The Day when their ploys will avail them nothing; and they will not be helped.
The Mount47. For those who do wrong, there is a punishment besides that; but most of them do not know.
The Mount48. So patiently await the decision of your Lord, for you are before Our Eyes; and proclaim the praises of your Lord when you arise.
The Mount49. And glorify Him during the night, and at the receding of the stars.
The Mount
The Mount47. And they used to say, “When we are dead and turned into dust and bones, are we to be resurrected?
The Mount48. And our ancient ancestors too?”
The Mount49. Say, “The first and the last.
The Mount50. Will be gathered for the appointment of a familiar Day.”
The Mount51. Then you, you misguided, who deny the truth.
The Mount52. Will be eating from the Tree of Bitterness.
The Mount53. Will be filling your bellies with it.
The Mount54. Will be drinking on top of it boiling water.
The Mount55. Drinking like thirsty camels drink.
The Mount56. That is their hospitality on the Day of Retribution.
The Heifer111. And they say, “None will enter Heaven unless he is a Jew or a Christian.” These are their wishes. Say, “Produce your proof, if you are truthful.”
The Heifer112. In fact, whoever submits himself to God, and is a doer of good, will have his reward with his Lord—they have nothing to fear, nor shall they grieve.
The Heifer113. The Jews say, “The Christians are not based on anything;” and the Christians say, “The Jews are not based on anything.” Yet they both read the Scripture. Similarly, the ignorant said the same thing. God will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection regarding their differences.
The Heifer114. Who is more unjust than him who forbids the remembrance of God’s name in places of worship, and contributes to their ruin? These ought not to enter them except in fear. For them is disgrace in this world, and for them is a terrible punishment in the Hereafter.
The Heifer
The Heifer
The Heifer116. And they say, “God has begotten a son.” Be He glorified. Rather, His is everything in the heavens and the earth; all are obedient to Him.
The Heifer117. Originator of the heavens and the earth. Whenever He decrees a thing, He says to it, “Be,” and it becomes.
The Heifer118. Those who do not know say, “If only God would speak to us, or a sign would come to us.” Thus said those who were before them. Their hearts are alike. We have made the signs clear for people who are certain.
The Heifer
The Heifer
The Heifer170. And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided?
The Heifer171. The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind—they do not understand.
Mary88. And they say, “The Most Merciful has begotten a son.”
Mary89. You have come up with something monstrous.
Mary90. At which the heavens almost rupture, and the earth splits, and the mountains fall and crumble.
Mary91. Because they attribute a son to the Most Merciful.
Mary92. It is not fitting for the Most Merciful to have a son.
Mary93. There is none in the heavens and the earth but will come to the Most Merciful as a servant.
Mary94. He has enumerated them, and counted them one by one.
Mary95. And each one of them will come to Him on the Day of Resurrection alone.
Decorations81. Say, “If the Most Gracious had a son, I would be the first to worship.”
Decorations82. Glorified be the Lord of the heavens and the earth, the Lord of the Throne, beyond what they describe.