
The prophet who invited the Israelites, Christians and polytheists to the religion of Prophet Abraham: Prophet Muhammad. The Qur'an, the book confirming and confirming the Torah and the Gospel before it.

The truth we were not told: The whole video consists of only verses of the Qur'an, with the verse name and number written on each line. It does not contain any opinions, explanations or comments. Arranged in order of historical experience.
Violated Oaths related verses
Surah Name Verses number and verse
The Cow190. And fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not commit aggression; God does not love the aggressors.
The Cow191. And kill them wherever you overtake them, and expel them from where they had expelled you. Oppression is more serious than murder. But do not fight them at the Sacred Mosque, unless they fight you there. If they fight you, then kill them. Such is the retribution of the disbelievers.
The Cow192. But if they cease, then God is Forgiving and Merciful.
The Cow193. And fight them until there is no oppression, and worship becomes devoted to God alone. But if they cease, then let there be no hostility except against the oppressors.
The Cow194. The sacred month for the sacred month; and sacrilege calls for retaliation. Whoever commits aggression against you, retaliate against him in the same measure as he has committed against you. And be conscious of God, and know that God is with the righteous.
The Cow195. And spend in the cause of God, and do not throw yourselves with your own hands into ruin, and be charitable. God loves the charitable.
The Cow
The Cow216. Fighting is ordained for you, even though you dislike it. But it may be that you dislike something while it is good for you, and it may be that you like something while it is bad for you. God knows, and you do not know.
The Cow217. They ask you about fighting during the Holy Month. Say, “Fighting during it is deplorable; but to bar others from God’s path, and to disbelieve in Him, and to prevent access to the Holy Mosque, and to expel its people from it, are more deplorable with God. And persecution is more serious than killing. They will not cease to fight you until they turn you back from your religion, if they can. Whoever among you turns back from his religion, and dies a disbeliever—those are they whose works will come to nothing, in this life, and in the Hereafter. Those are the inmates of the Fire, abiding in it forever.
The Cow218. Those who believed, and those who migrated and fought for the sake of God—those look forward to God’s mercy. God is Forgiving and Merciful.
The Cow
The Cow243. Have you not considered those who fled their homes, by the thousands, fearful of death? God said to them, “Die.” Then He revived them. God is Gracious towards the people, but most people are not appreciative.
The Cow244. Fight in the cause of God, and know that God is Hearing and Knowing.
The Cow245. Who is he who will offer God a generous loan, so He will multiply it for him manifold? God receives and amplifies, and to Him you will be returned.
The Family of Amran13. There was a sign for you in the two parties that met. One party fighting in the way of God, and the other was disbelieving. They saw them with their own eyes twice their number. But God supports with His help whomever He wills. In that is a lesson for those with insight.
The Family of Amran14. Adorned for the people is the love of desires, such as women, and children, and piles upon piles of gold and silver, and branded horses, and livestock, and fields. These are the conveniences of the worldly life, but with God lies the finest resort.
The Family of Amran15. Say, “Shall I inform you of something better than that? For those who are righteous, with their Lord are Gardens beneath which rivers flow, where they will remain forever, and purified spouses, and acceptance from God.” God is Observant of the servants.
The Family of Amran16. Those who say, “Our Lord, we have believed, so forgive us our sins, and save us from the suffering of the Fire.”
The Family of Amran17. The patient, and the truthful, and the reverent, and the charitable, and the seekers of forgiveness at dawn.
The Family of Amran
The Family of Amran121. Remember when you left your home in the morning, to assign battle-positions for the believers. God is Hearing and Knowing.
The Family of Amran122. When two groups among you almost faltered, but God was their Protector. So in God let the believers put their trust.
The Family of Amran123. God had given you victory at Badr, when you were weak. So fear God, that you may be thankful.
The Family of Amran124. When you said to the believers, “Is it not enough for you that your Lord has reinforced you with three thousand angels, sent down?”
The Family of Amran125. It is; but if you persevere and remain cautious, and they attack you suddenly, your Lord will reinforce you with five thousand angels, well trained.
The Family of Amran126. God made it but a message of hope for you, and to reassure your hearts thereby. Victory comes only from God the Almighty, the Wise.
The Family of Amran127. He thus cuts off a section of those who disbelieved, or subdues them, so they retreat disappointed.
The Family of Amran128. It is no concern of yours whether He redeems them or punishes them. They are wrongdoers.
The Family of Amran129. To God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. He forgives whom He wills, and He punishes whom He wills. God is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.
The Family of Amran
The Family of Amran139. And do not waver, nor feel remorse. You are the superior ones, if you are believers.
The Family of Amran140. If a wound afflicts you, a similar wound has afflicted the others. Such days We alternate between the people, that God may know those who believe, and take martyrs from among you. God does not love the evildoers.
The Family of Amran141. So that God may prove those who believe, and eliminate the disbelievers.
The Family of Amran142. Or do you expect to enter Paradise, before God has distinguished those among you who strive, and before He has distinguished the steadfast?
The Family of Amran143. You used to wish for death before you have faced it. Now you have seen it before your own eyes.
The Family of Amran144. Muhammad is no more than a messenger. Messengers have passed on before him. If he dies or gets killed, will you turn on your heels? He who turns on his heels will not harm God in any way. And God will reward the appreciative.
The Family of Amran145. No soul can die except by God’s leave, at a predetermined time. Whoever desires the reward of the world, We will give him some of it; and whoever desires the reward of the Hereafter, We will give him some of it; and We will reward the appreciative.
The Family of Amran146. How many a prophet fought alongside him numerous godly people? They did not waver for what afflicted them in the cause of God, nor did they weaken, nor did they give in. God loves those who endure.
The Family of Amran147. Their only words were, “Our Lord, forgive us our offences, and our excesses in our conduct, and strengthen our foothold, and help us against the disbelieving people.”
The Family of Amran148. So God gave them the reward of this world, and the excellent reward of the Hereafter. God loves the doers of good.
The Family of Amran149. O you who believe! If you obey those who disbelieve, they will turn you back on your heels, and you end up losers.
The Family of Amran150. God is your Master, and He is the Best of Helpers.
The Family of Amran151. We will throw terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve, because they attribute to God partners for which He revealed no sanction. Their lodging is the Fire. Miserable is the lodging of the evildoers.
The Family of Amran152. God has fulfilled His promise to you, and you defeated them by His leave; until when you faltered, and disputed the command, and disobeyed after He had shown you what you like. Some of you want this world, and some of you want the next. Then He turned you away from them, to test you; but He pardoned you. God is Gracious towards the believers.
The Family of Amran153. Remember when you fled, not caring for anyone, even though the Messenger was calling you from your rear. Then He repaid you with sorrow upon sorrow, so that you would not grieve over what you missed, or for what afflicted you. God is Informed of what you do.
The Family of Amran154. Then after the setback, He sent down security upon you. Slumber overcame some of you, while others cared only for themselves, thinking of God thoughts that were untrue—thoughts of ignorance—saying, “Is anything up to us?” Say, “Everything is up to God.” They conceal within themselves what they do not reveal to you. And they say, “If it was up to us, none of us would have been killed here.” Say, “Even if you Had stayed in your homes, those destined to be killed would have marched into their death beds.” God thus tests what is in your minds, and purifies what is in your hearts. God knows what the hearts contain.
The Family of Amran155. Those of you who turned back on the day when the two armies clashed—it was Satan who caused them to backslide, on account of some of what they have earned. But God has forgiven them. God is Forgiving and Prudent.
The Family of Amran156. O you who believe! Do not be like those who disbelieved, and said of their brethren who marched in the land, or went on the offensive, “Had they stayed with us, they would not have died or been killed.” So that God may make it a cause of regret in their hearts. God gives life and causes death. God is Seeing of what you do.
The Family of Amran157. If you are killed in the cause of God, or die—forgiveness and mercy from God are better than what they hoard.
The Family of Amran158. If you die, or are killed—to God you will be gathered up.
The Family of Amran159. It is by of grace from God that you were gentle with them. Had you been harsh, hardhearted, they would have dispersed from around you. So pardon them, and ask forgiveness for them, and consult them in the conduct of affairs. And when you make a decision, put your trust in God; God loves the trusting.
The Family of Amran160. If God supports you, there is none who can overcome you. But if He fails you, who is there to help you after Him? So in God let the believers put their trust.
The Family of Amran161. It is not for a prophet to act dishonestly. Whoever acts dishonestly will bring his dishonesty on the Day of Resurrection. Then every soul will be paid in full for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.
The Family of Amran162. Is someone who pursues God's approval the same as someone who incurs God's wrath and his refuge is Hell—the miserable destination?
The Family of Amran163. They have different ranks with God, and God is Seeing of what they do.
The Family of Amran164. God has blessed the believers, as He raised up among them a messenger from among themselves, who recites to them His revelations, and purifies them, and teaches them the Scripture and wisdom; although before that they were in evident error.
The Family of Amran165. And when a calamity befell you, even after you had inflicted twice as much, you said, “How is this?” Say, “It is from your own selves.” God is Able to do all things.
The Family of Amran166. What befell you on the day the two armies clashed was with God’s permission; that He may know the believers.
The Family of Amran167. And that He may know the hypocrites. And it was said to them, “Come, fight in the cause of God, or contribute.” They said, “If we knew how to fight, we would have followed you.” On that day they were closer to infidelity than they were to faith. They say with their mouths what is not in their hearts; but God knows what they hide.
The Family of Amran168. Those who said of their brethren, as they stayed behind, “Had they obeyed us, they would not have been killed.” Say, “Then avert death from yourselves, if you are truthful.”
The Family of Amran169. Do not consider those killed in the cause of God as dead. In fact, they are alive, at their Lord, well provided for.
The Family of Amran170. Delighting in what God has given them out of His grace, and happy for those who have not yet joined them; that they have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.
The Family of Amran171. They rejoice in grace from God, and bounty, and that God will not waste the reward of the faithful.
The Family of Amran172. Those who responded to God and the Messenger, despite the persecution they had suffered. For the virtuous and the pious among them is a great reward.
The Family of Amran173. Those to whom the people have said, “The people have mobilized against you, so fear them.” But this only increased them in faith, and they said, “God is enough for us; He is the Excellent Protector.”
The Family of Amran174. So they came back with grace from God, and bounty, and no harm having touched them. They pursued what pleases God. God possesses immense grace.
The Family of Amran175. That is only Satan frightening his partisans; so do not fear them, but fear Me, if you are believers.
The Family of Amran176. And do not be saddened by those who rush into disbelief. They will not harm God in the least. God desires to give them no share in the Hereafter. A terrible torment awaits them.
The Family of Amran177. Those who exchange blasphemy for faith will not harm God in the least. A painful torment awaits them.
The Family of Amran178. Those who disbelieve should not assume that We respite them for their own good. In fact, We only respite them so that they may increase in sinfulness. A humiliating torment awaits them.
The Family of Amran179. God will not leave the believers as you are, without distinguishing the wicked from the sincere. Nor will God inform you of the future, but God elects from among His messengers whom He wills. So believe in God and His messengers. If you believe and practice piety, you will have a splendid reward.
The Family of Amran180. Those who withhold what God has given them of his bounty should not assume that is good for them. In fact, it is bad for them. They will be encircled by their hoardings on the Day of Resurrection. To God belongs the inheritance of the heavens and the earth, and God is well acquainted with what you do.
The Family of Amran181. God has heard the statement of those who said, “God is poor, and we are rich.” We will write down what they said, and their wrongful killing of the prophets; and We will say, “Taste the torment of the burning.”
182. “This is on account of what your hands have forwarded, and because God is not unjust towards the creatures.”
The Women71. O you who believe! Take your precautions, and mobilize in groups, or mobilize altogether.
The Women72. Among you is he who lags behind. Then, when a calamity befalls you, he says, “God has favored me, that I was not martyred with them.”
The Women73. But when some bounty from God comes to you, he says—as if no affection existed between you and him—“If only I had been with them, I would have achieved a great victory.”
The Women74. Let those who sell the life of this world for the Hereafter fight in the cause of God. Whoever fights in the cause of God, and then is killed, or achieves victory, We will grant him a great compensation.
The Women75. And why would you not fight in the cause of God, and the helpless men, and women, and children, cry out, “Our Lord, deliver us from this town whose people are oppressive, and appoint for us from Your Presence a Protector, and appoint for us from Your Presence a Victor.”
The Women76. Those who believe fight in the cause of God, while those who disbelieve fight in the cause of Evil. So fight the allies of the Devil. Surely the strategy of the Devil is weak.
The Women77. Have you not considered those who were told, “Restrain your hands, and perform your prayers, and spend in regular charity”? But when fighting was ordained for them, a faction of them feared the people as God is ought to be feared, or even more. And they said, “Our Lord, why did You ordain fighting for us? If only You would postpone it for us for a short while.” Say, “The enjoyments of this life are brief, but the Hereafter is better for the righteous, and you will not be wronged one bit.”
The Women78. Wherever you may be, death will catch up with you, even if you were in fortified towers. When a good fortune comes their way, they say, “This is from God.” But when a misfortune befalls them, they say, “This is from you.” Say, “All is from God.” So what is the matter with these people, that they hardly understand a thing?
The Women79. Whatever good happens to you is from God, and whatever bad happens to you is from your own self. We sent you to humanity as a messenger, and God is Witness enough.
The Women80. Whoever obeys the Messenger is obeying God. And whoever turns away—We did not send you as a watcher over them.
The Women81. They profess obedience, but when they leave your presence, some of them conspire something contrary to what you said. But God writes down what they conspire. So avoid them, and put your trust in God. God is Guardian enough.
The Women82. Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy.
The Women83. When some news of security or alarm comes their way, they broadcast it. But had they referred it to the Messenger, and to those in authority among them, those who can draw conclusions from it would have comprehended it. Were it not for God’s blessing and mercy upon you, you would have followed the Devil, except for a few.
The Women84. So fight in the cause of God; you are responsible only for yourself. And rouse the believers. Perhaps God will restrain the might of those who disbelieve. God is Stronger in Might, and More Punishing.
The Women85. Whoever intercedes for a good cause has a share in it, and whoever intercedes for an evil cause shares in its burdens. God keeps watch over everything.
The Women86. When you are greeted with a greeting, respond with a better greeting, or return it. God keeps count of everything.
The Women87. God—there is no god except He. He will gather you to the Day of Resurrection, in which there is no doubt. And who speaks more truly than God?
The Women88. What is the matter with you, divided into two factions regarding the hypocrites, when God Himself has overwhelmed them on account of what they did? Do you want to guide those whom God has led astray? Whomever God leads astray—you will never find for him a way.
The Women89. They would love to see you disbelieve, just as they disbelieve, so you would become equal. So do not befriend any of them, unless they emigrate in the way of God. If they turn away, seize them and execute them wherever you may find them; and do not take from among them allies or supporters.
The Women90. Except those who join people with whom you have a treaty, or those who come to you reluctant to fight you or fight their own people. Had God willed, He would have given them power over you, and they would have fought you. If they withdraw from you, and do not fight you, and offer you peace, then God assigns no excuse for you against them.
The Women91. You will find others who want security from you, and security from their own people. But whenever they are tempted into civil discord, they plunge into it. So if they do not withdraw from you, nor offer you peace, nor restrain their hands, seize them and execute them wherever you find them. Against these, We have given you clear authorization.
The Women92. Never should a believer kill another believer, unless by error. Anyone who kills a believer by error must set free a believing slave, and pay compensation to the victim’s family, unless they remit it as charity. If the victim belonged to a people who are hostile to you, but is a believer, then the compensation is to free a believing slave. If he belonged to a people with whom you have a treaty, then compensation should be handed over to his family, and a believing slave set free. Anyone who lacks the means must fast for two consecutive months, by way of repentance to God. God is All-Knowing, Most Wise.
The Women93. Whoever kills a believer deliberately, the penalty for him is Hell, where he will remain forever. And God will be angry with him, and will curse him, and will prepare for him a terrible punishment.
The Women94. O you who believe! When you journey in the way of God, investigate, and do not say to him who offers you peace, “You are not a believer,” aspiring for the goods of this world. With God are abundant riches. You yourselves were like this before, and God bestowed favor on you; so investigate. God is well aware of what you do.
The Women95. Not equal are the inactive among the believers—except the disabled—and the strivers in the cause of God with their possessions and their persons. God prefers the strivers with their possessions and their persons above the inactive, by a degree. But God has promised goodness to both. Yet God favors the strivers, over the inactive, with a great reward.
The Women96. Degrees from Him, and forgiveness, and mercy. God is Forgiving and Merciful.
The Women97. While the angels are removing the souls of those who have wronged themselves, they will say, “What was the matter with you?” They will say, “We were oppressed in the land.” They will say, “Was God’s earth not vast enough for you to emigrate in it?” These—their refuge is Hell. What a wretched retreat!
The Women98. Except for the weak among men, and women, and children who have no means to act, and no means to find a way out.
The Women99. These—God may well pardon them. God is Pardoning and Forgiving.
The Women100. Anyone who emigrates for the sake of God will find on earth many places of refuge, and plentitude. Anyone who leaves his home, emigrating to God and His Messenger, and then is overtaken by death, his compensation falls on God. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
The Women101. When you travel in the land, there is no blame on you for shortening the prayers, if you fear that the disbelievers may harm you. The disbelievers are your manifest enemies.
The Women102. When you are among them, and you stand to lead them in prayer, let a group of them stand with you, and let them hold their weapons. Then, when they have done their prostrations, let them withdraw to the rear, and let another group, that have not prayed yet, come forward and pray with you; and let them take their precautions and their weapons. Those who disbelieve would like you to neglect your weapons and your equipment, so they can attack you in a single assault. You commit no error, if you are hampered by rain or are sick, by putting down your weapons; but take precautions. Indeed, God has prepared for the disbelievers a demeaning punishment.
The Women103. When you have completed the prayer, remember God, standing, or sitting, or on your sides. And when you feel secure, perform the prayer. The prayer is obligatory for believers at specific times.
The Women104. And do not falter in the pursuit of the enemy. If you are aching, they are aching as you are aching, but you expect from God what they cannot expect. God is Knowledgeable and Wise.
The Food33. The punishment for those who fight God and His Messenger, and strive to spread corruption on earth, is that they be killed, or crucified, or have their hands and feet cut off on opposite sides, or be banished from the land. That is to disgrace them in this life; and in the Hereafter they will have a terrible punishment.
The Food34. Except for those who repent before you apprehend them. So know that God is Forgiving and Merciful.
Voluntary Gifts1. They ask you about the bounties. Say, “The bounties are for God and the Messenger.” So be mindful of God, and settle your differences, and obey God and His Messenger, if you are believers.
Voluntary Gifts5. Even as your Lord brought you out of your home with the truth, some believers were reluctant.
Voluntary Gifts6. Arguing with you about the truth after it was made clear, as if they were being driven to death as they looked on.
Voluntary Gifts7. God has promised you one of the two groups—that it would be yours—but you wanted the unarmed group to be yours. God intends to prove the truth with His words, and to uproot the disbelievers.
Voluntary Gifts8. In order to confirm the truth and nullify falsehood, even though the guilty dislike it.
Voluntary Gifts9. When you appealed to your Lord for help, He answered you, “I am reinforcing you with one thousand angels in succession.”
Voluntary Gifts10. God only made it a message of hope, and to set your hearts at rest. Victory comes only from God. God is Mighty and Wise.
Voluntary Gifts11. He made drowsiness overcome you, as a security from Him. And He sent down upon you water from the sky, to cleanse you with it, and to rid you of Satan’s pollution, and to fortify your hearts, and to strengthen your foothold.
Voluntary Gifts12. Your Lord inspired the angels: “I am with you, so support those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. So strike above the necks, and strike off every fingertip of theirs.”
Voluntary Gifts13. That is because they opposed God and His Messenger. Whoever opposes God and His Messenger—God is severe in retribution.
Voluntary Gifts14. “Here it is; so taste it.” For the disbelievers there is the suffering of the Fire.
Voluntary Gifts15. O you who believe! When you meet those who disbelieve on the march, never turn your backs on them.
Voluntary Gifts16. Anyone who turns his back on them on that Day, except while maneuvering for battle, or to join another group, has incurred wrath from God, and his abode is Hell—what a miserable destination!
Voluntary Gifts17. It was not you who killed them, but it was God who killed them. And it was not you who launched when you launched, but it was God who launched. That He may bestow upon the believers an excellent reward. God is Hearing and Knowing.
Voluntary Gifts18. Such is the case. God will undermine the strategy of the disbelievers.
Voluntary Gifts19. If you desire a verdict, the verdict has come to you. And if you desist, it would be best for you. And if you return, We will return; and your troops, however numerous, will not benefit you. God is with the believers.
Voluntary Gifts
Voluntary Gifts27. O you who believe! Do not betray God and the Messenger, nor betray your trusts, while you know.
Voluntary Gifts28. And know that your possessions and your children are a test, and that God possesses an immense reward.
Voluntary Gifts29. O you who believe! If you remain conscious of God, He will give you a criterion, and will remit from you your sins, and will forgive you. God is possessor of infinite grace.
Voluntary Gifts30. When the disbelievers plotted against you, to imprison you, or kill you, or expel you. They planned, and God planned, but God is the Best of planners.
Voluntary Gifts31. And when Our revelations are recited to them, they say, “We have heard. Had we wanted, we could have said the like of this; these are nothing but myths of the ancients.”
Voluntary Gifts32. And they said, “Our God, if this is the truth from You, then rain down on us stones from the sky, or visit us with a painful affliction.”
Voluntary Gifts33. But God would not punish them while you are amongst them. And God would not punish them as long as they seek forgiveness.
Voluntary Gifts
Voluntary Gifts41. And know that whatever spoils you gain, to God belongs its fifth, and to the Messenger, and the relatives, and the orphans, and the poor, and to the wayfarer, provided you believe in God and in what We revealed to Our servant on the Day of Distinction, the day when the two armies met. God is Capable of everything.
Voluntary Gifts42. Recall when you were on the nearer bank, and they were on the further bank, and the caravan was below you. Had you planned for this meeting, you would have disagreed on the timing, but God was to carry out a predetermined matter, so that those who perish would perish by clear evidence, and those who survive would survive by clear evidence. God is Hearing and Knowing.
Voluntary Gifts43. God made them appear in your dream as few. Had He made them appear as many, you would have lost heart, and disputed in the matter. But God saved the situation. He knows what the hearts contain.
Voluntary Gifts44. When you met, He made them appear as few in your eyes, and made you appear fewer in their eyes, so that God may conclude a predetermined matter. To God all matters revert.
Voluntary Gifts45. O you who believe! When you meet a force, stand firm, and remember God much, so that you may prevail.
Voluntary Gifts46. And obey God and His Messenger, and do not dispute, lest you falter and lose your courage. And be steadfast. God is with the steadfast.
Voluntary Gifts47. And do not be like those who left their homes boastfully, showing off before the people, and barring others from the path of God. God comprehends what they do.
Voluntary Gifts48. Satan made their deeds appear good to them, and said, “You cannot be defeated by any people today, and I am at your side.” But when the two armies came in sight of one another, he turned on his heels, and said, “I am innocent of you; I see what you do not see; I fear God; God is severe in punishment.”
Voluntary Gifts49. The hypocrites and those in whose hearts is sickness said, “Their religion has deluded these people.” But whoever puts his trust in God—God is Mighty and Wise.
Voluntary Gifts50. If only you could see, as the angels take away those who disbelieve, striking their faces and their backs: “Taste the agony of the Burning.”
Voluntary Gifts51. “That is because of what your hands have committed, and because God is not unjust to the servants.”
Voluntary Gifts52. Like the behavior of the people of Pharaoh, and those before them. They rejected the signs of God, so God seized them for their sins. God is Powerful, Severe in punishment.
Voluntary Gifts53. That is because God would never change a blessing He has bestowed on a people unless they change what is within themselves, and because God is Hearing and Knowing.
Voluntary Gifts54. Such was the case with the people of Pharaoh, and those before them. They denied the signs of their Lord, so We annihilated them for their wrongs, and We drowned the people of Pharaoh—they were all evildoers.
Voluntary Gifts55. The worst of creatures in God's view are those who disbelieve. They have no faith.
Voluntary Gifts56. Those of them with whom you made a treaty, but they violate their agreement every time. They are not righteous.
Voluntary Gifts57. If you confront them in battle, make of them a fearsome example for those who follow them, that they may take heed.
Voluntary Gifts58. If you fear treachery on the part of a people, break off with them in a like manner. God does not like the treacherous.
Voluntary Gifts59. Let not the disbelievers assume that they are ahead. They will not escape.
Voluntary Gifts60. And prepare against them all the power you can muster, and all the cavalry you can mobilize, to terrify thereby God’s enemies and your enemies, and others besides them whom you do not know, but God knows them. Whatever you spend in God’s way will be repaid to you in full, and you will not be wronged.
Voluntary Gifts61. But if they incline towards peace, then incline towards it, and put your trust in God. He is the Hearer, the Knower.
Voluntary Gifts62. If they intend to deceive you—God is sufficient for you. It is He who supported you with His aid, and with the believers.
Voluntary Gifts63. And He united their hearts. Had you spent everything on earth, you would not have united their hearts, but God united them together. He is Mighty and Wise.
Voluntary Gifts64. O prophet! Count on God, and on the believers who have followed you.
Voluntary Gifts65. O prophet! Rouse the believers to battle. If there are twenty steadfast among you, they will defeat two hundred; and if there are a hundred of you, they will defeat a thousand of those who disbelieve; because they are a people who do not understand.
Voluntary Gifts66. God has now lightened your burden, knowing that there is weakness in you. If there are a hundred steadfast among you, they will defeat two hundred; and if there are a thousand of you, they will defeat two thousand by God’s leave. God is with the steadfast.
Voluntary Gifts67. It is not for a prophet to take prisoners before he has subdued the land. You desire the materials of this world, but God desires the Hereafter. God is Strong and Wise.
Voluntary Gifts68. Were it not for a predetermined decree from God, an awful punishment would have afflicted you for what you have taken.
Voluntary Gifts69. So consume what you have gained, legitimate and wholesome; and remain conscious of God. God is Forgiving and Merciful.
Voluntary Gifts70. O prophet! Say to those you hold prisoners, “If God finds any good in your hearts, He will give you better than what was taken from you, and He will forgive you. God is Forgiving and Merciful.”
Voluntary Gifts71. But if they intend to betray you, they have already betrayed God, and He has overpowered them. God is Knowing and Wise.
Voluntary Gifts72. Those who believed, and emigrated, and struggled in God’s cause with their possessions and their persons, and those who provided shelter and support—these are allies of one another. As for those who believed, but did not emigrate, you owe them no protection, until they have emigrated. But if they ask you for help in religion, you must come to their aid, except against a people with whom you have a treaty. God is Seeing of what you do.
Voluntary Gifts73. As for those who disbelieve, they are allies of one another. Unless you do this, there will be turmoil in the land, and much corruption.
Voluntary Gifts74. Those who believed, and emigrated, and struggled for God’s cause, and those who gave shelter and support—these are the true believers. They will have forgiveness, and a bountiful provision.
Voluntary Gifts75. As for those who believed afterwards, and emigrated and struggled with you—these belong with you. But family members are nearer to one another in the Book of God. God is Cognizant of everything.
The Immunity1. A declaration of immunity from God and His Messenger to the polytheists with whom you had made a treaty.
The Immunity2. So travel the land for four months, and know that you cannot escape God, and that God will disgrace the disbelievers.
The Immunity3. And a proclamation from God and His Messenger to the people on the day of the Greater Pilgrimage, that God has disowned the polytheists, and so did His Messenger. If you repent, it will be better for you. But if you turn away, know that you cannot escape God. And announce to those who disbelieve a painful punishment.
The Immunity4. Except for those among the polytheists with whom you had made a treaty, and did not violate any of its terms, nor aided anyone against you. So fulfill the treaty with them to the end of its term. God loves the righteous.
The Immunity5. When the Sacred Months have passed, kill the polytheists wherever you find them. And capture them, and besiege them, and lie in wait for them at every ambush. But if they repent, and perform the prayers, and pay the alms, then let them go their way. God is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.
The Immunity6. And if anyone of the polytheists asks you for protection, give him protection so that he may hear the Word of God; then escort him to his place of safety. That is because they are a people who do not know.
The Immunity7. How can there be a treaty with the polytheists on the part of God and His Messenger, except for those with whom you made a treaty at the Sacred Mosque? As long as they are upright with you, be upright with them. God loves the pious.
The Immunity8. How? Whenever they overcome you, they respect neither kinship nor treaty with you. They satisfy you with lip service, but their hearts refuse, and most of them are immoral.
The Immunity9. They traded away God's revelations for a cheap price, so they barred others from His path. How evil is what they did.
The Immunity10. Towards a believer they respect neither kinship nor treaty. These are the transgressors.
The Immunity11. But if they repent, and perform the prayers, and give the obligatory charity, then they are your brethren in faith. We detail the revelations for a people who know.
The Immunity12. But if they violate their oaths after their pledge, and attack your religion, then fight the leaders of disbelief—they have no faith—so that they may desist.
The Immunity13. Will you not fight a people who violated their oaths, and planned to exile the Messenger, and initiated hostilities against you? Do you fear them? It is God you should fear, if you are believers.
The Immunity14. Fight them. God will punish them at your hands, and humiliate them, and help you against them, and heal the hearts of a believing people.
The Immunity15. And He will remove the anger of their hearts. God redeems whomever He wills. God is Knowledgeable and Wise.
The Immunity16. Or do you think that you will be left alone, without God identifying which of you will strive, and take no supporters apart from God, His Messenger, and the believers? God is well Aware of what you do.
The Immunity17. It is not for the polytheists to attend God’s places of worship while professing their disbelief. These—their works are in vain, and in the Fire they will abide.
The Immunity18. The only people to attend God’s places of worship are those who believe in God and the Last Day, and pray regularly, and practice regular charity, and fear none but God. These are most likely to be guided.
The Immunity19. Do you consider giving water to pilgrims and maintaining the Sacred Mosque the same as believing in God and the Last Day and striving in God’s path? They are not equal in God’s sight. God does not guide the unjust people.
The Immunity20. Those who believe, and emigrate, and strive in God’s path with their possessions and their persons, are of a higher rank with God. These are the winners.
The Immunity21. Their Lord announces to them good news of mercy from Him, and acceptance, and gardens wherein they will have lasting bliss.
The Immunity22. Abiding therein forever. With God is a great reward.
The Immunity
The Immunity25. God has given you victory in numerous regions; but on the day of Hunayn, your great number impressed you, but it availed you nothing; and the land, as spacious as it was, narrowed for you; and you turned your backs in retreat.
The Immunity26. Then God sent down His serenity upon His Messenger, and upon the believers; and He sent down troops you did not see; and He punished those who disbelieved. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.
The Immunity27. Then, after that, God will relent towards whomever He wills. God is Forgiving and Merciful.
The Immunity28. O you who believe! The polytheists are polluted, so let them not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year of theirs. And if you fear poverty, God will enrich you from His grace, if He wills. God is Aware and Wise.
The Immunity29. Fight those who do not believe in God, nor in the Last Day, nor forbid what God and His Messenger have forbidden, nor abide by the religion of truth—from among those who received the Scripture—until they pay the due tax, willingly or unwillingly.
The Immunity30. The Jews said, “Ezra is the son of God,” and the Christians said, “The Messiah is the son of God.” These are their statements, out of their mouths. They emulate the statements of those who blasphemed before. May God assail them! How deceived they are!
The Immunity31. They have taken their rabbis and their priests as lords instead of God, as well as the Messiah son of Mary. Although they were commanded to worship none but The One God. There is no god except He. Glory be to Him; High above what they associate with Him.
The Immunity32. They want to extinguish God’s light with their mouths, but God refuses except to complete His light, even though the disbelievers dislike it.
The Immunity33. It is He who sent His Messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth, in order to make it prevail over all religions, even though the idolaters dislike it.
The Immunity34. O you who believe! Many of the rabbis and priests consume people's wealth illicitly, and hinder from God’s path. Those who hoard gold and silver, and do not spend them in God’s cause, inform them of a painful punishment.
The Immunity35. On the Day when they will be heated in the Fire of Hell, then their foreheads, and their sides, and their backs will be branded with them: “This is what you hoarded for yourselves; so taste what you used to hoard.”
The Immunity36. The number of months, according to God, is twelve months—in the decree of God—since the Day He created the heavens and the earth, of which four are sacred. This is the correct religion. So do not wrong yourselves during them. And fight the polytheists collectively, as they fight you collectively, and know that God is with the righteous.
The Immunity37. Postponement is an increase in disbelief—by which those who disbelieve are led astray. They allow it one year, and forbid it another year, in order to conform to the number made sacred by God, thus permitting what God has forbidden. The evil of their deeds seems good to them. God does not guide the disbelieving people.
The Immunity38. O you who believe! What is the matter with you, when it is said to you, “Mobilize in the cause of God,” you cling heavily to the earth? Do you prefer the present life to the Hereafter? The enjoyment of the present life, compared to the Hereafter, is only a little.
The Immunity39. Unless you mobilize, He will punish you most painfully, and will replace you with another people, and you will not harm Him at all. God has power over all things.
The Immunity40. If you do not help him, God has already helped him, when those who disbelieved expelled him, and he was the second of two in the cave. He said to his friend, “Do not worry, God is with us.” And God made His tranquility descend upon him, and supported him with forces you did not see, and made the word of those who disbelieved the lowest, while the Word of God is the Highest. God is Mighty and Wise.
The Immunity41. Mobilize, light or heavy, and strive with your possessions and your lives in the cause of God. That is better for you, if you only knew.
The Immunity42. Had the gain been immediate, and the journey shorter, they would have followed you; but the distance seemed too long for them. Still they swear by God: “Had we been able, we would have marched out with you.” They damn their own souls, and God knows that they are lying.
The Immunity43. May God pardon you! Why did you give them permission before it became clear to you who are the truthful ones, and who are the liars?
The Immunity44. Those who believe in God and the Last Day do not ask you for exemption from striving with their possessions and their lives. God is fully aware of the righteous.
The Immunity45. Only those who do not believe in God and the Last Day ask you for exemption. Their hearts are full of doubts, so they waver in their doubts.
The Immunity46. Had they wanted to mobilize, they would have made preparations for it; but God disliked their participation, so he held them back, and it was said, “Stay behind with those who stay behind.”
The Immunity47. Had they mobilized with you, they would have added only to your difficulties, and they would have spread rumors in your midst, trying to sow discord among you. Some of you are avid listeners to them. God is Aware of the wrongdoers.
The Immunity48. They tried to cause conflict before, and they hatched plots against you, until the truth prevailed, and the command of God became evident—in spite of their dislike.
The Immunity49. Among them is he who says, “Excuse me, and do not trouble me.” In fact, they sunk into trouble. In fact, Hell will engulf the disbelievers.
The Immunity50. If something good happens to you, it upsets them; and if a calamity befalls you, they say, “We took our precautions in advance,” and they depart, happy.
The Immunity51. Say, “Nothing will happen to us except what God has ordained for us; He is our Protector.” In God let the faithful put their trust.
The Immunity52. Say, “Are you expecting for us anything other than one of the two excellences? As for us: we are expecting that God will afflict you with a punishment from Himself, or at our hands. So wait, we are waiting with you.”
The Immunity53. Say, “Whether you spend willingly or unwillingly, it will not be accepted from you. You are evil people.”
The Immunity54. What prevents the acceptance of their contributions is nothing but the fact that they disbelieved in God and His Messenger, and that they do not approach the prayer except lazily, and that they do not spend except grudgingly.
The Immunity55. Let neither their possessions nor their children impress you. God intends to torment them through them in this worldly life, and that their souls depart while they are disbelievers.
The Immunity56. They swear by God that they are of you. But they are not of you. They are divisive people.
The Immunity57. Were they to find a shelter, or a cave, or a hideout, they would go to it, rushing.
The Immunity58. And among them are those who criticize you in regard to charities. If they are given some of it, they become pleased; but if they are not given any, they grow resentful.
The Immunity59. If only they were content with what God and His Messenger have given them, and said, “God is sufficient for us; God will give us of His bounty, and so will His Messenger; to God we eagerly turn.”
The Immunity60. Charities are for the poor, and the destitute, and those who administer them, and for reconciling hearts, and for freeing slaves, and for those in debt, and in the path of God, and for the traveler in need—an obligation from God. God is All-Knowing, Most Wise.
The Immunity61. And among them are those who insult the Prophet, and say, “He is all ears.” Say, “He listens for your own good. He believes in God, and trusts the believers, and is mercy for those of you who believe.” Those who insult the Messenger of God will have a painful penalty.
The Immunity62. They swear to you by God to please you. But it is more proper for them to please God and His Messenger, if they are believers.
The Immunity63. Do they not know that whoever opposes God and His Messenger, will have the Fire of Hell, abiding in it forever? That is the supreme disgrace.
The Immunity64. The hypocrites worry lest a chapter may be revealed about them, informing them of what is in their hearts. Say, “Go on mocking; God will bring out what you fear.”
The Immunity65. If you ask them, they will say, “We were just joking and playing.” Say, “Were you making jokes about God, His revelations, and His Messenger?”
The Immunity66. Do not apologize. You have disbelieved after your belief. If We pardon some of you, We will punish others, because they are guilty.
The Immunity67. The hypocrite men and hypocrite women are of one another. They advocate evil, and prohibit righteousness, and withhold their hands. They forgot God, so He forgot them. The hypocrites are the sinners.
The Immunity68. God has promised the hypocrite men and hypocrite women, and the disbelievers, the Fire of Hell, abiding therein forever. It is their due. And God has cursed them. They will have a lasting punishment.
The Immunity69. Like those before you. They were more powerful than you, and had more wealth and children. They enjoyed their share, and you enjoyed your share, as those before you enjoyed their share. And you indulged, as they indulged. It is they whose works will fail in this world and in the Hereafter. It is they who are the losers.
The Immunity70. Have they not heard the stories of those before them? The people of Noah, and Aad, and Thamood; and the people of Abraham, and the inhabitants of Median, and the Overturned Cities? Their messengers came to them with the clear proofs. God never wronged them, but they used to wrong their own selves.
The Immunity71. The believing men and believing women are friends of one another. They advocate virtue, forbid evil, perform the prayers, practice charity, and obey God and His Messenger. These—God will have mercy on them. God is Noble and Wise.
The Immunity72. God promises the believers, men and women, gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding therein forever, and fine homes in the Gardens of Eden. But approval from God is even greater. That is the supreme achievement.
The Immunity73. O Prophet! Strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and be stern with them. Their abode is Hell—what a miserable destination!
The Immunity74. They swear by God that they said nothing; but they did utter the word of blasphemy, and they renounced faith after their submission. And they plotted what they could not attain. They were resentful only because God and His Messenger have enriched them out of His grace. If they repent, it would be best for them; but if they turn away, God will afflict them with a painful punishment—in this life and in the Hereafter—and they will have on earth no protector and no savior.
The Immunity75. Among them are those who promised God: “If He gives us of His bounty, we will donate and be among the upright.”
The Immunity76. But when He has given them of His bounty, they became stingy with it, and turned away in aversion.
The Immunity77. So He penalized them with hypocrisy in their hearts, until the Day they face Him—because they broke their promise to God, and because they used to lie.
The Immunity78. Do they not know that God knows their secrets and their conspiracies? And that God is the Knower of the unseen?
The Immunity79. Those who criticize the believers who give charity voluntarily, and ridicule those who find nothing to give except their own efforts—God ridicules them. They will have a painful punishment.
The Immunity80. Whether you ask forgiveness for them, or do not ask forgiveness for them—even if you ask forgiveness for them seventy times, God will not forgive them. That is because they disbelieved in God and His Messenger. God does not guide the immoral people.
The Immunity81. Those who stayed behind rejoiced at their staying behind the Messenger of God. And they hated to strive with their wealth and their lives in God’s way. And they said, “Do not venture out in the heat.” Say, “The Fire of Hell is much hotter, if they only understood.”
The Immunity82. Let them laugh a little, and weep much; in recompense for what they used to earn.
The Immunity83. If God brings you back to a party of them, and they ask your permission to go out, say, “You will not go out with me, ever, nor will you ever fight an enemy with me. You were content to sit back the first time, so sit back with those who stay behind.”
The Immunity84. You are never to pray over anyone of them who dies, nor are you to stand at his graveside. They rejected God and His Messenger, and died while they were sinners.
The Immunity85. Do not let their possessions and their children impress you. God desires to torment them through them in this world, and their souls expire while they are disbelievers.
The Immunity86. When a chapter is revealed, stating: “Believe in God and strive with His Messenger,” the prominent among them ask you for exemption. They say, “Allow us to stay with those who stay behind.”
The Immunity87. They prefer to be with those who stay behind. Their hearts were sealed, so they do not understand.
The Immunity88. But the Messenger and those who believe with him struggle with their possessions and their lives. These have deserved the good things. These are the successful.
The Immunity89. God has prepared for them gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide forever. That is the great victory.
The Immunity90. Some of the Desert-Arabs came to make excuses, asking to be granted exemption, while those who were untrue to God and His Messenger stayed behind. A painful punishment will afflict those among them who disbelieved.
The Immunity91. There is no blame on the weak, nor on the sick, nor on those who have nothing to give, provided they are true to God and His Messenger. In no way can the righteous be blamed. God is Forgiving and Merciful.
The Immunity92. Nor on those who approach you, wishing to ride with you, and you said, “I have nothing to carry you on.” So they went away, with their eyes overflowing with tears, sorrowing for not finding the means to spend.
The Immunity93. But blame is on those who ask you for exemption, although they are rich. They are content to be with those who stay behind. God has sealed their hearts, so they do not know.
The Immunity94. They present excuses to you when you return to them. Say, “Do not offer excuses; we do not trust you; God has informed us of you. And God will watch your actions, and so will the Messenger; then you will be returned to the Knower of the Invisible and the Visible, and He will inform you of what you used to do.”
The Immunity95. They will swear to you by God, when you return to them, that you may leave them alone. So leave them alone. They are a disgrace, and their destiny is Hell; a reward for what they used to earn.
The Immunity96. They will swear to you that you may accept them. But even if you accept them, God does not accept the wicked people.
The Immunity97. The Desert-Arabs are the most steeped in disbelief and hypocrisy, and the most likely to ignore the limits that God revealed to His Messenger. God is Knowing and Wise.
The Immunity98. And among the Desert-Arabs are those who consider their contribution to be a fine. And they wait for a reversal of your fortunes. Upon them will fall the cycle of misfortune. God is Hearing and Knowing.
The Immunity99. Yet among the Desert-Arabs are those who believe in God and the Last Day, and consider their contribution to be a means towards God, and the prayers of the Messenger. Surely it will draw them closer, and God will admit them into His mercy. God is Forgiving and Compassionate.
The Immunity100. The Pioneers—The first of the Migrants and the Supporters, and those who followed them in righteousness. God is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him. He has prepared for them Gardens beneath which rivers flow, where they will abide forever. That is the sublime triumph.
The Immunity101. Among the Desert-Arabs around you there are some hypocrites, and among the inhabitants of Medina too. They have become adamant in hypocrisy. You do not know them, but We know them. We will punish them twice; then they will be returned to a severe torment.
The Immunity102. Others have confessed their sins, having mixed good deeds with bad deeds. Perhaps God will redeem them. God is Forgiving and Merciful.
The Immunity103. Receive contributions from their wealth, to purify them and sanctify them with it; and pray for them. Your prayer is comfort for them. God is Hearing and Knowing.
The Immunity104. Do they not know that God accepts the repentance of His servants, and that He receives the contributions, and that God is the Acceptor of Repentance, the Merciful?
The Immunity105. Say, “Work. God will see your work, and so will His Messenger, and the believers. Then you will be returned to the Knower of secrets and declarations, and He will inform you of what you used to do.”
The Immunity106. Others are held in suspense, awaiting God’s decree, as to whether He will punish them, or accept their repentance. God is Aware and Wise.
The Immunity107. Then there are those who establish a mosque to cause harm, and disbelief, and disunity among the believers, and as an outpost for those who fight God and His Messenger. They will swear: “Our intentions are nothing but good.” But God bears witness that they are liars.
The Immunity108. Do not stand in it, ever. A mosque founded upon piety from the first day is worthier of your standing in it. In it are men who love to be purified. God loves those who purify themselves.
The Immunity109. Is he who founds his structure upon piety and acceptance from God better, or he who founds his structure on the brink of a cliff that is about to tumble, so it tumbles with him into the Fire of Hell? God does not guide the unjust people.
The Immunity110. The structure which they built will remain questionable in their hearts, until their hearts are stopped. God is Knowing and Wise.
The Immunity111. God has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties in exchange for Paradise. They fight in God’s way, and they kill and get killed. It is a promise binding on Him in the Torah, and the Gospel, and the Quran. And who is more true to his promise than God? So rejoice in making such an exchange—that is the supreme triumph.
The Immunity112. Those who repent, those who worship, those who praise, those who journey, those who kneel, those who bow down, those who advocate righteousness and forbid evil, and those who keep God’s limits—give good news to the believers.
The Immunity113. It is not for the Prophet and those who believe to ask forgiveness for the polytheists, even if they are near relatives, after it has become clear to them that they are people of Hellfire.
The Immunity114. Abraham asked forgiveness for his father only because of a promise he had made to him. But when it became clear to him that he was an enemy of God, he disowned him. Abraham was kind and clement.
The Immunity115. God would never lead a people astray, after He had guided them, until He makes clear to them what they should guard against. God has knowledge of all things.
The Immunity116. To God belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. He gives life, and He causes death. And besides God, you have neither protector, nor supporter.
The Immunity117. God has redeemed the Prophet, and the Emigrants, and the Supporters—those who followed him in the hour of difficulty—after the hearts of some of them almost swerved. Then He pardoned them. He is Kind towards them, Compassionate.
The Immunity118. Also towards the three who were left behind. Then, when the earth, as vast as it is, closed in on them, and their very souls closed in on them, and they realized that there was no refuge from God, except in Him, He redeemed them, so that they may repent. God is the Redeemer, the Merciful.
The Immunity119. O you who believe! Be conscious of God, and be with the sincere.
The Immunity120. It is not for the inhabitants of Medina and the Desert-Arabs around them to stay behind the Messenger of God, nor to prefer themselves to him. That is because they never suffer any thirst, nor fatigue, nor hunger in the cause of God, nor do they take one step that enrages the disbelievers, nor do they gain anything from an enemy, but it is recorded to their credit as a righteous deed. God does not waste the reward of the righteous.
The Immunity121. Nor do they spend any expenditure, small or large, nor do they cross any valley, but it is recorded to their credit. That God may reward them in accordance with the best of their deeds.
The Immunity122. It is not advisable for the believers to march out altogether. Of every division that marches out, let a group remain behind, to gain understanding of the religion, and to notify their people when they have returned to them, that they may beware.
The Immunity123. O you who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who attack you, and let them find severity in you, and know that God is with the righteous.
The Immunity124. Whenever a chapter is revealed, some of them say, “Which of you has this increased in faith?” As for those who believe: it increases them in faith, and they rejoice.
The Immunity125. But as for those in whose hearts is sickness: it adds disgrace to their disgrace, and they die as unbelievers.
The Immunity126. Do they not see that they are tested once or twice every year? Yet they do not repent, and they do not learn.
The Immunity127. And whenever a chapter is revealed, they look at one another, “Does anyone see you?” Then they slip away. God has diverted their hearts, because they are a people who do not understand.
The Immunity128. There has come to you a messenger from among yourselves, concerned over your suffering, anxious over you. Towards the believers, he is compassionate and merciful.
The Immunity129. If they turn away, say, “God is enough for me; there is no god except He; in Him I have put my trust; He is the Lord of the Sublime Throne.”
The Pilgrimage39. Permission is given to those who are fought against, and God is Able to give them victory.
The Pilgrimage40. Those who were unjustly evicted from their homes, merely for saying, “Our Lord is God.” Were it not that God repels people by means of others: monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques—where the name of God is mentioned much—would have been demolished. God supports whoever supports Him. God is Strong and Mighty.
The Romans2. The Romans have been defeated.
The Romans3. In a nearby territory. But following their defeat, they will be victorious.
The Romans4. In a few years. The matter is up to God, in the past, and in the future. On that day, the believers will rejoice.
The Romans5. In God’s support. He supports whomever He wills. He is the Almighty, the Merciful.
The Romans6. The promise of God—God never breaks His promise, but most people do not know.
The Allies9. O you who believe! Remember God’s blessings upon you, when forces came against you, and We sent against them a wind, and forces you did not see. God is Observant of what you do.
The Allies10. When they came upon you, from above you, and from beneath you; and the eyes became dazed, and the hearts reached the throats, and you harbored doubts about God.
The Allies11. There and then the believers were tested, and were shaken most severely.
The Allies12. When the hypocrites and those in whose hearts is sickness said, “God and His Messenger promised us nothing but illusion.”
The Allies13. And when a group of them said, “O people of Yathrib, you cannot make a stand, so retreat.” And a faction of them asked the Prophet to excuse them, saying, “Our homes are exposed,” although they were not exposed. They only wanted to flee.
The Allies14. Had it been invaded from its sides, and they were asked to dissent, they would have done so with little hesitation.
The Allies15. Although they had made a pledge to God, in the past, that they will not turn their backs. A pledge to God is a responsibility.
The Allies16. Say, “Flight will not benefit you, if you flee from death or killing, even then you will be given only brief enjoyment.”
The Allies17. Say, “Who is it who will shield you from God, if He intends adversity for you, or intends mercy for you?” Besides God, they will find for themselves neither friend nor helper.
The Allies18. God already knows the hinderers among you, and those who say to their brethren, “Come and join us.” Rarely do they mobilize for battle.
The Allies19. Being stingy towards you. And when fear approaches, you see them staring at you—their eyes rolling—like someone fainting at death. Then, when panic is over, they whip you with sharp tongues. They resent you any good. These have never believed, so God has nullified their works; a matter easy for God.
The Allies20. They assumed that the confederates had not withdrawn. But were the confederates to advance, they would wish they were in the desert with the Bedouins, inquiring about your news. And if they were among you, they would have done little fighting.
The Allies21. You have an excellent example in the Messenger of God; for anyone who seeks God and the Last Day, and remembers God frequently.
The Allies22. And when the believers saw the confederates, they said, “This is what God and His messenger have promised us; and God and His messenger have told the truth.” And it only increased them in faith and submission.
The Allies23. Of the believers are men who are true to what they pledged to God. Some of them have fulfilled their vows; and some are still waiting, and never wavering.
The Allies24. That God may reward the truthful for their truthfulness; and punish the hypocrites, if He wills, or pardon them. God is Forgiving and Merciful.
The Allies25. God repelled the disbelievers in their rage; they gained no advantage. God thus spared the believers combat. God is Strong and Mighty.
Muhammed4. When you encounter those who disbelieve, strike at their necks. Then, when you have routed them, bind them firmly. Then, either release them by grace, or by ransom, until war lays down its burdens. Had God willed, He could have defeated them Himself, but He thus tests some of you by means of others. As for those who are killed in the way of God, He will not let their deeds go to waste.
The Victory1. We have granted you a conspicuous victory.
The Victory2. That God may forgive you your sin, past and to come, and complete His favors upon you, and guide you in a straight path.
The Victory3. And help you with an unwavering support.
The Victory4. It is He who sent down tranquility into the hearts of the believers, to add faith to their faith. To God belong the forces of the heavens and the earth. God is Knowing and Wise.
The Victory5. He will admit the believers, male and female, into Gardens beneath which rivers flow, to abide therein forever, and He will remit their sins. That, with God, is a great triumph.
The Victory6. And He will punish the hypocrites, male and female, and the idolaters, male and female, those who harbor evil thoughts about God. They are surrounded by evil; and God is angry with them, and has cursed them, and has prepared for them Hell—a miserable destination.
The Victory7. To God belong the troops of the heavens and the earth. God is Mighty and Wise.
The Victory8. We sent you as a witness, and a bearer of good news, and a warner.
The Victory9. That you may believe in God and His Messenger, and support Him, and honor Him, and praise Him morning and evening.
The Victory10. Those who pledge allegiance to you are pledging allegiance to God. The hand of God is over their hands. Whoever breaks his pledge breaks it to his own loss. And whoever fulfills his covenant with God, He will grant him a great reward.
The Victory11. The Desert-Arabs who remained behind will say to you, “Our belongings and our families have preoccupied us, so ask forgiveness for us.” They say with their tongues what is not in their hearts. Say, “Who can avail you anything against God, if He desires loss for you, or desires gain for you?” In fact, God is Informed of what you do.
The Victory12. But you thought that the Messenger and the believers will never return to their families, and this seemed fine to your hearts; and you harbored evil thoughts, and were uncivilized people.
The Victory13. He who does not believe in God and His Messenger—We have prepared for the disbelievers a Blazing Fire.
The Victory14. To God belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. He forgives whomever He wills, and He punishes whomever He wills. God is Forgiving and Merciful.
The Victory15. Those who lagged behind will say when you depart to collect the gains, “Let us follow you.” They want to change the Word of God. Say, “You will not follow us; God has said so before.” Then they will say, “But you are jealous of us.” In fact, they understand only a little.
The Victory16. Say to the Desert-Arabs who lagged behind, “You will be called against a people of great might; you will fight them, unless they submit. If you obey, God will give you a fine reward. But if you turn away, as you turned away before, He will punish you with a painful punishment.”
The Victory17. There is no blame on the blind, nor any blame on the lame, nor any blame on the sick. Whoever obeys God and His Messenger—He will admit him into gardens beneath which rivers flow; but whoever turns away—He will punish him with a painful punishment.
The Victory18. God was pleased with the believers, when they pledged allegiance to you under the tree. He knew what was in their hearts, and sent down serenity upon them, and rewarded them with an imminent conquest.
The Victory19. And abundant gains for them to capture. God is Mighty and Wise.
The Victory20. God has promised you abundant gains, which you will capture. He has expedited this for you, and has restrained people’s hands from you; that it may be a sign to the believers, and that He may guide you on a straight path.
The Victory21. And other things, of which you were incapable, but God has encompassed them. God is Capable of everything.
The Victory22. If those who disbelieve had fought you, they would have turned back and fled, then found neither protector nor helper.
The Victory23. It is God’s pattern, ongoing since the past. You will never find any change in God’s pattern.
The Victory24. It is He who withheld their hands from you, and your hands from them, in the valley of Mecca, after giving you advantage over them. God is Observer of what you do.
The Victory25. It is they who disbelieved, and barred you from the Sacred Mosque, and prevented the offering from reaching its destination. Were it not for faithful men and faithful women, whom you did not know, you were about to hurt them, and became guilty of an unintentional crime. Thus God admits into His mercy whomever He wills. Had they dispersed, We would have punished those who disbelieved among them with a painful penalty.
The Victory26. Those who disbelieved filled their hearts with rage—the rage of the days of ignorance. But God sent His serenity down upon His Messenger, and upon the believers, and imposed on them the words of righteousness—of which they were most worthy and deserving. God is aware of everything.
The Apartments9. If two groups of believers fight each other, reconcile between them. But if one group aggresses against the other, fight the aggressing group until it complies with God’s command. Once it has complied, reconcile between them with justice, and be equitable. God loves the equitable.
The Apartments10. The believers are brothers, so reconcile between your brothers, and remain conscious of God, so that you may receive mercy.
The Banishment6. Whatever God has bestowed upon His Messenger from them; you spurred neither horse nor camel for them, but God gives authority to His messengers over whomever He will. God is Able to do all things.
The Banishment7. Whatever God restored to His Messenger from the inhabitants of the villages belongs to God, and to the Messenger, and to the relatives, and to the orphans, and to the poor, and to the wayfarer; so that it may not circulate solely between the wealthy among you. Whatever the Messenger gives you, accept it; and whatever he forbids you, abstain from it. And fear God. God is severe in punishment.
The Banishment8. To the poor refugees who were driven out of their homes and their possessions, as they sought the favor of God and His approval, and came to the aid of God and His Messenger. These are the sincere.
The Woman who is Examined1. O you who believe! Do not take My enemies and your enemies for supporters, offering them affection, when they have disbelieved in what has come to you of the Truth. They have expelled the Messenger, and you, because you believed in God, your Lord. If you have mobilized to strive for My cause, seeking My approval, how can you secretly love them? I know what you conceal and what you reveal. Whoever among you does that has strayed from the right way.
The Woman who is Examined2. Whenever they encounter you, they treat you as enemies, and they stretch their hands and tongues against you with malice. They wish that you would disbelieve.
The Woman who is Examined3. Neither your relatives nor your children will benefit you on the Day of Resurrection. He will separate between you. God is Observant of what you do.
The Woman who is Examined
The Woman who is Examined7. Perhaps God will plant affection between you and those of them you consider enemies. God is Capable. God is Forgiving and Merciful.
The Woman who is Examined8. As for those who have not fought against you for your religion, nor expelled you from your homes, God does not prohibit you from dealing with them kindly and equitably. God loves the equitable.
The Woman who is Examined9. But God prohibits you from befriending those who fought against you over your religion, and expelled you from your homes, and aided in your expulsion. Whoever takes them for friends—these are the wrongdoers.
The Prohibition9. O prophet! Strive hard against the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and be stern with them. Their abode is Hell. What a miserable destination!